Have a great Christmas Everybody at WA

Last Update: December 25, 2010

While I was at home in SL for 2 weeks, I worked really hard at my IM, but I also kept in mind that I was at home with family, for 2 weeks after a year. So, sometimes I had to just leave the computer, and spend time with them and that was true joy. I know that everyone here was happy this Christmas and I was tremendously blessed this past year and this Christmas to be at home.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas too.

And don't forget to spend time with those who are truly important. After all that's probably one big reason why a lot of people are into IM. So they could have more time for their families.

Praise God, I was home for Christmas this year. I'm thankful.

God bless you All,



PS: In 8 hours I'm leaving my family again to head back to my working life in Singapore. I am so glad my family and I shared some quality time together. :)

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