Last Update: January 04, 2011

Hey guys, can anybody please tell me if they are experiencing trouble with their hosting?

My websites (all 3 of them that are hosted at WA) are not working. They are all down and the error says that the server its hosted at is taking too long to respond or something along those lines...

Come on... this is unacceptable... how can you operate without being able to access your website... I wanted to do some work on my site just now and i can't even access it through WP Express...

Please, somebody make sense of all this...



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No both my WP sites are down at the moment. Its been like this for hours now... I really want an explanation for this... I expected better here at WA...

anyway, I hope its fixed when I wake up tomorrow morning...

But hey, I made my first sale today and the new year has been good... getting my email marketing stuff up on one of my sites...

more articles pumping out tomorrow... more work ahead... :)
onefineham Premium
Hey one of my WP Express hosted sites on here is up but not the blog and funnel. Maybe it's just the B&F sites that are down?
onefineham Premium
Yeah man, looks like the server is down, my blog and funnel is DOA at the moment too. How has the new year kicked off for you otherwise? I'm off to a good start so far.