So... day 2 (LATE hours of...)

Last Update: November 25, 2010

I've finished ticking off my tasks in the "what the heck is internet marketing?" section and realized I have almost 2 days left before the next task opens up...

I think I'm going to re-run through the whole thing and polish it all out for a better understanding of it all... Furthermore, I already have a niche and a few products that I'm thinking of (this is actually how I was introduced to affiliate marketing in the first place). Since its an interest of mine I also have quite a bit of background research and content I can pour out into an article/or several articles...

Bottom line: I'm thinking of starting to write my first article... but I don't know what I should go ahead and do with it afterward, since I don't have my website up yet (don't want to start before the action plan tells me how to best go about doing it)


Furthermore (even though I ticked chose domain on the task list) I haven't actually purchased one cos I'm afraid I don't yet know enough about how to pick a good domain name...

I would greatly appreciate any feedback you guys can give me... please do tell me if I should go ahead and buy a domain (take action!!! you know?) or if I should be patient and not rush into anything.




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mammi Premium
I've been in more than 2 Weeks now. However, had a problem with my internet connection. Got the message on setting up the WAblog. My concern is should I move ahead & buy a domain name just as Craig asks?; or should I wait to complete all the tasks in what the heck is IM first? Is there some guideline in choosing a domain name? thanks,
Labman_1 Premium
I jumped right in and found that I had missed the boat on my first URL. If you get to the keyword training everything will come clear. If you are hungry for more information, check out the Forums. You can also go to the Help tab and under the system site map there is lots of information for you. You can even jump ahead in the training from here although if you are just starting out you will probably experience brain overload.