Posts by Crow 4
April 09, 2010
Yeah, I went on a trip to Minnesota to a McDonald's management class. Learned lots of stuff. And I gots me a nice little raise =] But now that I'm back its time to get workin on the new lessons that have opened up for me. I'm gettin back together with some of the people I met up there later this summer and I want some cash to spend. lol. McDonald's just isn't going to cut it by itself. See you guys around =]  
So, i don't know what's up with this, but somehow my member rank went from like 6,000 something to 282 in the matter of like 9 hours while I was at work. Okay, I'll take it  =] But yeah, I've been sucking in all of this content that has been thrown at me. Like I read it like a text book and took notes. And I took notes on a lot of different things. Then I studied the notes and found comparisons from different sections. I'm waiting for the next page of the Action Plan to open up so I can se
March 23, 2010
So now I've got like... 11 buddies in my buddy network, and I've completed the checklist for lesson two of the action plan. I'm waiting for the next page to open up, but I've been reading through other material on the site which is very helpful. For once I don't feel like I've been ripped off in an investment! So anyways, I went and read all of the Pay Per Click information that I could get my hands on, and I set up a landing page for myself. Lucky for me I'm savvy  enough to know where to
March 22, 2010
Alright, I've got the money to invest into this program, and I'm going to give it an honest shot. =] I'm getting my 5 e-mails sent out and I'm trying to get people to sign up from the chat site that I like to chill at. I just got my WA Space set up, so there's another check box for me to fill too =P We'll see how this pans out. Hoorah!
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