Hellz Yeah, I Think I Like It!

Last Update: March 24, 2010

So, i don't know what's up with this, but somehow my member rank went from like 6,000 something to 282 in the matter of like 9 hours while I was at work. Okay, I'll take it  =]

But yeah, I've been sucking in all of this content that has been thrown at me. Like I read it like a text book and took notes. And I took notes on a lot of different things. Then I studied the notes and found comparisons from different sections. I'm waiting for the next page of the Action Plan to open up so I can see what I am not seeing now. If there is more to learn then it must be gold. Lol.

I can already tell that I am going to start off with Pay per Click campaigning, but I plan to find a product that will allow room for both Article Marketing and Pay per Click. Actually I think I already found my secret weapon, but I'm going to sharpen my skills a little before I jump in. I want my strategy to be as sexy as the curves on Jessica Alba when it hits the stage.

So I'm planning to go off to research my product so I can act like I know what I'm talking about in my articles. Lol. Once in Academic Decathlon I got a silver medal in the essay competition at state level. What's so special about that? Well the essay was over the book Red Badge of Courage. I never read the book.  =P Bullshit is a skill my friends.

But before I go to do research I'm gonna chill here for a bit. Catch you on the forums?


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jatdebeaune Premium
Love the analogy. Never thought of it that way. You sound like a good student and a quick study. Keep on.
sox1n05 Premium
You are EXACTLY right! BS is almost an inheritable trait more so a learned trait. A skill? Without a doubt! And I bet you have the silver metal still hanging over your dresser!