2012 - Day 002 - Post Holidays

Last Update: January 03, 2012

A silence has fallen everywhere.  My landlord wants to be left alone today.  It is dark in his house.  He's not feeling very well.

I broke the news to him about our website and the fact that the niche we are in is not a very hot one.  We have yet to discuss what we are going to do with it.  I'm not sure but it's four years down the tube.  The post-holiday has arrived and it's back to business.

A cold wave has come through Florida.  It is a Canadian air mass that is now causing temperatures to drop off.  It is windy and I'm huddled in with my heater next to me.  No...this isn't like the North, but at 55 degrees right now...I'm COLD!  Don't laugh!  It is windy and that's not making it feel any warmer.  Tomorrow there is a frost warning.  I have outside work to do and have not done much of that.  Really I needed to have done this this morning when it was the warmest.  Tomorrow will not get anywhere near as warm as it still is now...and it was enough to drive me inside today.

My landlord is sick...probably from the news that it's going to cost over $400 to get his back up lights fixed.  That's not including the fact that the blower for his heat and air is an additional $400 on top of that!  Then the website...and then the fact that I can't get out anywhere to cash my check from where I worked five days early last month.  So, my rent is late.

Welcome 2012!

In spite of the silence, this is going to be a year of changes.  In my own life, though I'm not pro to New Year's resolutions, any new year is like a clean slate...it's psychological.  I say this, because this day is really no different than the rest.  Any day is a day for changes when they need to be made.  Years are man-made...in fact, our system is very inaccurate.  If we base our calendar historically on the birth of Christ, we should now have entered 2016!  That's right...Christ was very likely born in 4 BCE and is the consensus of most historians.

Some websites are going out the door.  Yabba-Dabba-Dooo is one of them.  Based on the methods here, that site should be about the Flintstones, not Wealthy Affiliate.  I'm also shocked at how dated that site has become in a single year!  Nothing in that site is salvageable except perhaps the graphics...I'm going to trash the rest of it.  Wow!  How things have changed on the Internet in the space of 12 months!

Alternativehealthsolutionsmd.com turned into one of the most colossal monuments of failure I've ever created in my life.  It took four years to learn that alternative medicine is not a very good niche to be in due to the kind of audience it has...and the fact that so much is out there in the way of being free.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that now.  It's my landlord's and the very best I can think to do with it is turn it into a local site and make it into a directory for alternative medicine practitioners.  I also thought about using it to promote specialized equipment instead of health products in an effort to reach a different audience.

I don't think my landlord wanted me with him today because the holiday is now over and I should have been outside pounding the pavement looking for a job all day.

One great thing is that I mistakenly thought I would be losing my membership now.  This isn't happening because I forgot I made my yearly payment in the late part of March, not January.  I have some time to make some radical changes within this membership for myself...and one of those things is to try to be more helpful with the things I am able to and have merit for. 

The other, of course, is to use the resources in here like there is no tomorrow...it isn't something to take for granted and I think I've had my share of that.  More attention to that might have opened my eyes sooner to the fact that niche research is FAR more important than I've deemed.   

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Labman_1 Premium
I like the idea of turning your site into a local site. Perhaps there are folks that are making some money at their practices and want to rent some advertising space. This at least could get you started building your brand in Tampa. I know there are a large number of aging folks down there that are looking for some pain relief at the very least.
Yabadaba.... should be retasked....affiliate for cartoons? Hanna Barbera might have some an affiliate network somewhere. Perhaps as an outlet for cartoon cells. High end collectibles. You might as well use it as just let it go. It does have some curing time so it may be worthwhile.
Getting other local businesses on my site is exactly why I've chosen to make it more local. The problem of course, is the domain name itself. It isn't really local-friendly, but I can tweak other aspects to make it more so. I have also thought about making Yabba-dabba-dooo Hanna-Barbara-based and see if there are related toys and other products to promote. When I first created this website it was related to Fred Flintstone's working-man status and the fact that he slid off the snorkasaurus and clocked off the job...a stint on western consumerism today. Albeit there is not much room in Google for this type of thing and best to make it straightway Hanna-Barbera.