2012 - Day 021 - Are My Efforts Doing You Any Good? Need to Know.

Last Update: January 21, 2012

I'm getting really peeved about some things here!  It's getting so bad its making me sick.  The self-development industry seems to be extremely popular.

Look at the rubbish I've just found in one of my emails from Brenden Burchard (sp.) 

I had NO idea we'd be crushed with so many signups so fast.

Yeah...tell me another one...like,

  • I just got off the phone with...and I could not stumble over myself quickly enough to bring you these tremendous savings!
  • Pick your destiny right now...at $197 a pop!
  • The launch was such a success, we had a server melt down!
  • Come join us as we interview the top experts...and see how they do it (screw that!) 
  • This guy's crazy!  Get in now before he comes to his senses!

The list goes on and on and on!

Y'know where they all lead?  I'm sure you do...upsells! 

Since I've come here to WA, that world has become extremely foreign to me.  I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing.  It's certainly not the same around here.  I'm finding myself unsubscribing from one email list after another as this rubbish comes up from folks I once trusted and believed in.

I don't know if its ever going to fly for me with having my own business in the health/wealth/wise industry.  I love the concepts within that industry, but if the "experts" own that economy, I'm out, because I just can't market the way those folks do.  I literally HATE the bait-and-switch methods those cats use!

Is there any hope?  I think yes.  There's an entirely different kind of marketing that goes on here amongst the heavy hitters here.  It's these I'm a student of.

That's it about my rant.  

Now, one other thing...

I'm all for clearing up my environment and my mind so I can get greater benefits from this membership.  It's a matter of dropping the many weights that have been pulling me down.  I'm still very slow at this but as things clear up, it should begin to move faster over time.  One way I can learn how to do these things is to write about them.  It does help me learn, put things into proper perspectives and commits me to the tasks at hand.  As I write, I'm hoping folks here can get what good they can out of them, think about them, and if they apply, use them to help in life. 

For the last week, I've not been getting any comments at all in my Blog.  Even the ones that get put on the Blog of the Day are not being read.  I need some input about this.  What am I doing wrong?  I want to do what I can to help make more people get more out of their memberships here.  No, it's not about IM, but it is about the things I pick up over the years about human nature and the lack of being active in a membership like this.

I know WA is made up of humans (of course) and that what goes on outside goes on here too.  I'm wagering that 90% or more within this membership are not doing anything with it for any number of reasons.  It's almost like those who join have more of a new years resolution mindset when joining up, crack at it for a short time and then let it fall by the wayside.

How do I know this?  1.  Human nature. 2. Many things can kill success. 3. I've visited the Membership Pages.  I'm seeing a LOT of zeroes in there!  I kid you not...and it parallels with (though a bit better) statistics from the outside.  So, I'm hoping to be able to help in this areana. Yes, I do realize this membership has what many do not and that is what makes the statistics here maybe a bit higher and better.  There's not as many "opportunity seekers" as opposed to innovators here as there are elsewhere.

Though I am not much help with the IM aspect of helping out around here, on the mindset front, I've gotten pretty clear about.  This is where I've been trying to help out and I have an avid passion to do this.  It's why I do it and what I learn, I try to pass on to those who can use it.

I know...I've been guilty of not taking action, but I've taken a stand on it...even if I do have hang-ups (and believe me, I have a LOT of them!)  If I never succeed with this, it's not because what I know is flawed.  I know this because there are millionaires out there who won't have to worry again about where their next meals are coming from...and it came from the same kind of information I learn about and share.

Very few (and lately nobody) is checking out my Blog.  I need to know why because if what I'm doing here isn't doing any good, I need to stop.  I do know that one of the things K&C would like to see from members is a higher degree of active participation.  It's not easy to do this when, outside of simply learning (which is part of that game) the social aspect and credibility thing is really suffering.

If I'm having problems doing that here...I damned well, to be sure, will have problems with it outside.

Any comments?  Keep going?  Stop what you're doing here, it's doing me no good?  I need to know. 

I want to grow and the only way I can is to know if I'm being heard, and if not, why?  I'm human like the rest (and I hope there aren't any non-humans in this membership) but I can't be the only one with the issues I wrote about, and if I am, I'm truly from another planet.  I write what I do because of experiences and know that others have them too...and is my way of helping as I learn how to deal with things. 

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jdonn Premium
Hey Daniel...just want you to know that I've read most of your posts and enjoy reading them. Now, I'm one of the members here who is guilty of reading other members blogs and posts and not commenting a lot of the time. Why, you may ask? Well, (and this may sound like a cop-out) when I read the posts in the morning instead of just commenting "thanks, great post", I feel I should give a thoughtful reply. So, I say to myself) I'll come back later on to respond after I get some work done.
You see Daniel, I have this problem. It's called procrastination. That's why after a year and 2 mo. here at WA I've not accomplished all I should have and as a result have not seen the success I had hoped for. No ones fault by my own.
So, I did read your blog today and it did help me! It made me realize how much I appreciate you and all the other members here who take the time to write and post. Thanks!
LOL! This blog post is on the Blog of the Day a second time! Since then I've found a way to use my blog to help me with my own difficulties...turning it into a day-planner. I've been doing this since almost immediately after the day I wrote this one. As for the rant in this post, I hate having bait put in front of me. I've learned a LOT about the different tactics used in this and can see it immediately when it is put in front of me. This is one reason why I enjoy WA...you don't find any of that here! I realize that we, as marketers must think like consumers so we can rapport with them, but one thing I hate with a passion is bait 'n switch methods used frequently. My landlord was complaining about this just last night. He got an offer to be given $100. That was it. He had to call a number, which he did. It turned out that the $100 was not redeemable as money, but as a gasoline voucher. That wasn't all...He joined it and then found out afterwards that getting this voucher required using a specific gas station, they would be monthly rebates, must purchase $50 or more gas to be eligible for that month...only $10 vouchers per month...and MUST BE AN ACTIVE MEMBER...AT $49/MO! This is the kind of stuff I hate with deep hatred!
smokeywins Premium
When it comes to blogging, you may go days, if not months before someone comments on something you have to say. I have truly enjoyed reading your posts, but there are days that I just don't have the time to post on my own blog so reading others gets put on the back burner. As for content, it all comes down to what you feel comfortable writing about. For me its life and the frustrations that come along with it, building a business, bills, stress, etc. I know that there may be days that I write about stuff that others have no interest in, or days where I may say something that offends someone but that is life. I write for me, to get my feeling/frustrations out on paper so to speak since it actually helps me feel better in some way, even though I do find myself censoring my posts here to a certain extent for fear of angering someone. Anywhoo, my suggestion is to just stick with what you feel comfortable writing about and don't worry about what others think or do as there will ALWAYS be people who find some level of fault in what you are doing.
jatdebeaune Premium
Daniel, I think the WA blog has taken a back seat to the chat. Either that, or people read what you write without commenting. Could be because they are too busy to finish reading the blog, or working on their campaigns. Your blogs are always interesting. It's not you.
jatdebeaune Premium
PS, I also don't like most of those "upselling" tactics. They annoy and bore me. You don't have to do that. Do it your way. Maybe Jay will have something to add to that.
Peedsbornagain Premium
You are heard my friend , dont worry about that , your blog is good and informative , keep putting in the efforts in IM and you will succeed cheers bro
Kattis Premium
Change your words , change your world = D
@Kattis I don't understand what you are saying.