2012 - Day 027 - Piles of Projects!! Aaagh!

Last Update: January 27, 2012

Piles of Projects!! Aaagh!

Are you one of those people who start projects and do not complete them?  I am.  I know it too well because I have a mountain of them right now!  There's nothing worse in the line of achievement than to have a bunch of half-finished things cluttering up the workstation, living space and mind.

This certainly goes hand-in-hand with yesterday's post...the ability to be disciplined.

I'm literally buried in the things I've started and only with patience can I complete them one at a time.  I am tempted to take on those projects which are not avid money-makers.  I admit, this overtakes me and I just can't wait to delve into them.  What usually happens is they branch off into additional projects.

Niches are not always things appealing to passion AND viability as well.  It seems most of my interests lie outside of the ideal range.  Very few people are interested in medieval music and Greek folk music put out by  Markos Vamvakaris.  I love these kinds of music but neither are anywhere popular enough to promote and make money with.



Additions and improvements to my Day Planner:

Added todo list for "tomorrow."  This way I can be better organized here and move list for tomorrow to the top position when tomorrow arrives.  The new "tomorrow" list will not be completed until the evening of the current day.

The top list, "Three Daily Habits...+Bonus Habit" has been removed.  It streamlines my records and is redundant having it there every day. 

My snippets above will be colorized blue.  This will continue to be the place where I put my observations and anything I find helpful to readers here.  They will be no longer in length than ten or twelve lines except in special circumstances. 

My WA Spaces Daily Planner & Gratitude and Achievement Journal

  • Gratitude:  Though I don't take the very best care of myself, I still have relatively good health, though it certainly needs improvement.
  • Today's Top Opportunity:  This almost went as a no-opportunity day until I remembered that a prospective client e-mailed me this morning and, though this took considerable time, he asked me about my marketing proposal and I answered back with a proposal based on what I've learned at WA and P3M.
  • What needs to be done today?
    1. Go through two WAbinars on how to set up a G+ Account properly and work alongside Campaign
    2. Get the Google Analytics Plugin working.
    3. Get needed parts for piping and glue the pipes together into two workable sections.  Open panel and explore under house.
    4. Finish driver's side cleaning by thoroughly cleaning around door, jam and clean air cond. filter.
    5. Why is my site not ranking at all?
  • What have I done today?
    1. I did get through the Thanksgiving WAbinar but with difficulty, both in retaining the information with a headache and the annoyance of my Internet connection  crapping out on me.  I've remedied this problem (I hope) by resetting the modem myself when I was in my landlord's house.
    2. Activating Google Analytics was NOT done today.
    3. I approached the landlord about getting parts for the pipe, otherwise, nothing done.
    4. The work on add'l cleaning to driver's side was not done.
    5. No answer on the ranking problem.  I did discuss this on the chat engine.  I discovered the site was pinged 314 times in three days!  I went into the plugin's settings and set that for a ping every two hours instead of every time I hit the "Update" button.  This might be the very reason why my site is not ranking out of 70 pages!  Was advised to tweet the site.  It's not much but might help.
  • What Is My ToDo List for Tomorrow? (to be completed near the end of the current day.)
    1. Clean the church building.  (will take six hours.)  Ideally, be @ building at 6:00 am.
    2. Get work at church building done before landlord gets up so can get parts and two new pillows shopping.
    3. Resolve getting G+ squared away.
    4. Get Google Analytics up and running.  It's just sitting there unresolved.
    5. Resolve to get door on driver's side washed.  Apply insect spray to entire front of camper to control the ants.
  • I appreciate the following Individual[s] because...  Michael Michelangelo We met last week and this has opened new doors for me...and him with regard to business for both of us.  I aim to put more advertising power in his hands with my new Internet marketing skills on the local level!  He has given me this opportunity and hope to put this in fruition.

What are five things I accomplished today?

  1. Was able to talk to landlord about going to Lowe's to get parts for pipe and two new pillows.
  2. I got nothing done beyond this, except ask questions on the chatter about issues surrounding G+ and problems viewing the WAbinar.  I reset the modem myself but have yet to see if this resolved the problem.  The page-loading problem seems to have resolved.
  3. Discovered and fixed pinging problem in my site.  It is not ranking at all!
  4. I wrote an e-mail to a prospective client who owns a landscaping design business.  I've proposed a local marketing campaign for him and his business.
  5. I caught the tail end of the WAbinar to see if it would load and was able to ask pertinent questions regarding G+ and other items.


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