2012 - Day 089 - Recovery Efforts

Last Update: March 29, 2012

This is my dreaded illness.  This is the thing that has put decades in my life in turmoil.

Early on, this illness would last for years in me.  It is very debilitating when it is full-bloomed.  It will take a man down like an arrow to the Achilles heel 

This disease has caused me a lot of loss of income, jobs, reputation and self-worth.

It has been times of parametics coming into my 120-degree home...finding me shivering under blankets, no nutrition for two weeks, nearly dead.

It has been a most misunderstood situation.  There are a number of people who told me to stop being a baby and get out there and work.

I've been in situations with this where healing was not possible, especially before coming understand the condition. 

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what condition are you talking about ????
When my stress levels go up for extended periods of time, it hits me in the stomach. Sores develop inside the stomach which produce pain when trying to eat or drink most things. It leads to uncontrolled vomiting and very poor health. It is extremely hard to get rid of it. Since I began this thread, I still have the sores but they are now mostly healed. I have to be so careful what I eat, when I eat, and what I do because any false move causes recurrence if it is not completely gone away. It got so bad this last time, I could not even work on the computer. It sat idle for several weeks and no activity in WA at all. The EOP launched during this time and was really shocked when I came on for the first time.
Labman_1 Premium
No. open sores inside stomach. With the kind of stuff I've been though, years ago, it began to manifest itself in the stomach with ulcers. I believe the thing gets started because of stress. I am trying to write a forum post about it. Twice now, I've had to try to keep down my medicine by jumping into cold water during trying to write the post. I learned that the mind can only deal with one thing at a time...and this is most true for pain. Whichever is the worst pain in the body, this is what manifests the most...in fact, if you have a toothache (a really bad one) and you have a sprained ankle, the toothache will prevent the pain from the sprain from manifesting. The mind can only do one at a time. This is why pain from the stomach (in certain circumstances) can be "shocked" out by sudden change in (water) temperature. I usually go to a shower (I don't personally have one) and less than a minute in hot water as hot as could be stood, will stop the pain. I don't always have a shower to jump in, so the cold pool is the next in line. During writing my Forum post, I had to stop because the pain returned...another trip to the pool, sudden dive, and spend a half hour in there (having taken two pain pills first.) The pain pills hurt the sore area when they dissolve and if I don't take evasive action...the pain causes vomiting. I have not eaten for almost a week now. I have unfinished work to do that I have already been paid for. Why I think work (certain kind) brings this condition up in me is in the Forum post. Of course, this condition is really hampering my efforts here at WA. My Forum ranking ran for several weeks around ranking 9, 10, 11 and about at that point. Now it is #1490. Once this drops off, it drops like lead. Of course, that isn't important. What is, is the fact that it doesn't take much to knock me out of the game...and I have been dealing with this all of my life. So no...this isn't shingles. I heard that is a really bad thing to get.