Debbie Still Packing a Punch!

Last Update: June 26, 2012
It's been a really stormy week!

Tropical Debbie has been sitting in the north Gulf and causing no end of trouble here. The last two days, I've become oblivious to the two feet of rain we had gotten during the time.

But, over the last 24 hours, it's been the wind. I fear one of the huge limbs in the live oaks above my camper might come down atop my camper. there are some dead ones way up. It comes in intervals like the rain was coming in bands, light, and then coming down in sheets.

It's not tight in here either. The wind is even getting in and ruffling stuff inside here! The sun is shining but the wind is too much to feel good as a breeze.

It has knocked things over around here already. It kept me awake because of the rocking. In spite of sun and cloud bands, the wind is stronger than it has been.

The storm continues to sit close to where it formed several days ago. It started with flooding, now Tampa is probably seeing wind damages.

Whew! I will be kinda glad when this moves out of here. Tampa is flooded in its usual places but a but worse. Nice and high here. It is higher than most everywhere else south of here, just in the little area where I live. I lived near the Little Manatee River in 2004, when I lived in my trailer down there. The police came through with loudspeakers getting everyone to leave. We had four hurricanes that year. This storm is worse than three of those.

As for my campaign, I've added another article to the series and wrote it. I'm now processing and submitting what I've written yesterday. Two have published and three are pending. Working on the fourth one now.
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Shawn Martin Premium
hang in there!
The night before last, not too long after my last post here, I sat here, and in two hours, the rain shown on the radar suddenly dropped off. In two hours, the storm mostly dried up and the whole thing just dissipated save scattered rain cells.

It's beautiful, fresh and sunny today.
Shawn Martin Premium
I bet that's a relief
It was actually getting really annoying. The worst was in the beginning with the two days of sheet rain. I'm glad the limbs above stayed intact during the other side of the storm with its wind and less rain..
Amy Farr Premium
Wow Dan. Hang in there! I live in the "snowbelt" region in NY now but lived for 2 years in Havelock, N.C., on the coast. I was only 19/20, in a trailer, most of the time alone, with my newborn daughter. No car, no home phone, in the "sticks". When they issued tornado warnings I prayed and stayed up all night sometimes from fear.
Have you thought about moving? Just a question, not to be intrusive or suggestive.
No. This is the area where I got the help I needed to convert from being a homeless nobody to all the education I've received since being here. The people I have here are far closer than any of my family has ever come close. I will probably pass here. If I had not come here, I might not even been alive today. I was in very bad shape where I came from and it is a life I would not want to repeat.

The storm has finally come down the west coast and broke up almost directly overhead overnight. This storm took a very strange path. It caused a lot of problems all over Tampa. The streets are still under water. We wound up on the right side of the storm from its center. In combination of its forward movement (not very much for a while) with the actual wind speed inside the spiral, we had two days of very blustery weather with occasional rain bands. With the eye overhead (or nearly so because it's completely disorganized now) the whole mess is now pushing east and out of the area.
I know what you're going through Daniel & empathize with you. I've been through 4 Hurricanes (Two Really BAD one's), & too many tropical storms. They have given me a lifelong fear of storms now.

Our last Hurricane IKE, was a very bad one. I always managed to "find" my way back home to my parents (my childhood home), whenever a hurricane or a bad storm came up. I did Not want to be alone.

The rich irony with Ike is my mother (we were extremely close), passed away the Saturday before Ike. We were going to have her Memorial the following Saturday, scheduled in the newspaper, everything. Then in came Ike that Saturday. Needless to say, no Memorial & I went through one of the worst Hurricanes completely alone with my dog Hannah, in the dark. What is really strange, I was Never Afraid. Just numb from losing my mom. It still is just a blur to me.

Good Luck to you with this one, don't hesitate to get to higher/safer ground!
Having a sullen event like the storm didn't help with your mother passing. The real storms that frighten me to having nightmares were the tornadoes when I lived in Ohio two years ago. These sirens were going off and there was no place to go. They had the basement locked I had nowhere but back in the house before getting hit by a shingle or something.. It passed with no incident in the immediate area, though it leveled the police station and half of the high school. It threw the buses all over the place and smashed them up. The next time I heard the sirens, it put me in flight mode, but they were testing them and there were just a few fluffy cumulus clouds.. That storm scared me worse than any other. These hurricanes are more annoying than anything else, but oh well. that's life in Florida.