Getting Ready for Next Round...

Last Update: March 31, 2012

(2012 - Day 090) 

I am feeling better tonight, almost suddenly, the symptoms from the sickness almost cleared up.  It's evasive though.  I've had many instances of this and had it come back on me in a vengeance.  The sores are still there and I will stay on a liquid diet now.  Live will go on as usual...and a few more lessons down on health and nutrition.

Things are looking up once again. 

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Labman_1 Premium
Glad you are feeling better.
It's up and down. This will be the way of life until the sores heal. Sometimes, the worst part of this is when the irritation does abate, must remember that healing takes as much as six weeks and it's easy to forget and consume things with citric acid and other things. Whilst I have a bit of respite here, I'm going to put a new post on GoPro. The excitement will really come when my GoPro arrives and I can get striking imagery. Of course, the experience would even be better with good health.