Last Update: March 24, 2011

Things couldn't have turned out better!  I thought yesterday I should get to my taxes and get them done.  So this is what I did.  I was expecting a $55 refund because I had only worked about 7 weeks last year in a regular company.  So I kind of didn't do anything with this right away, but I figured, "Well, I might as well get this done.  It will put me about $50 away from my Yearly Membership Goal.

More Than Expected!

I realize I'm talking about small stuff here, but hey, small stuff is how the big stuff gets going!  Due to the special "earned income" whatever, I pleasantly discovered that I was getting more than $55...in fact, $253!

Again, I realize this is just real piddly stuff to some people in here and it isn't really much to brag about...

Well, I'm not bragging!  Here's what that extra $200 is doing for me this morning...

Locks in my Yearly Membership!  I now have more than enough to go ahead and do that today!  I can't wait to come back home from work to day and do this!  Several times I have gone to the membership upgrade ($358.88 give or take) and looked at that page longing to push that submit button!  Today I can now actually do it!

I have my rent money I'm going to repurpose for this...The refund will be in my account in the next few days.

It is also going to make it so I am now on time with my rent and electricity!

Today I'm Going to Push That Magic Button!!!

Well, we all know it isn't a big red magic button nor a silver bullet, but it sure makes life at WA much easier for me now!

My kiitty (not a cat) goes to my checking account if I have to make a special trip there on my bicycle!

Why that tiny amount of money is taking so much off my mind?

If my boss decides to shut off my income with his most dreaded words, "You're Fired!" (already used these words on me...but turned into a long lecture period!) it is NOT going to affect my Wealthy Affiliate Membership!  I will not be bothered with this vulnerability for an entire year!  If I can't begin making sales with what I know by the end of that year, I might as well hang it up!

It takes a LOT off my mind!  All that much more to leverage towards my work in Internet marketing!  Believe me...it does make a difference!

I have reached my GOAL!  I am now at the goal and ready to make my point-blank shot!

Nobody is going to talk me out of WA!  I'm not that vulnerable anymore.  No economic downfalls or my boss throwing the switch on me is going to get me kicked out of WA at the end of a month when I don't have the funds.

It took me about six weeks to come up with the funds.

Hey y'all...you're stuck with me with a whole year...

And I'm psyched and very encouraged!  It's like a NEW day at WA for me...a NEW beginning!  My future is right here...or part of it anyway!

Yabba-Dabba-Dooo.com Goes Back Into Publication TODAY!

I could care less now if my BOSS finds my website back online!  If he fires me, I will find a way to take care of my living situation.  That is doable, but understandably, having a membership at Wealthy Affiliate is a luxury and a most astounding opportunity!

I kept my fund-raising, how trivial it has been, a secret.  My landlord, my boss, nobody in my physical surroundings know about it...but you all here at WA!  See how little things can lead up to big things???

Many thanks to you all for your love and support!  It has been nothing short of encouraging and there are times when I really needed this support.  It's a place I can really believe in and I have good reason!

I realize that at times, I've said some pretty negative things, but as I make improvements like this, that will disappear.

Time to get ready for work...I will go with my head high! 

Hey Boss...You Ain't Gettin' My WA Membership!!

Shut off my income???  Yes, you may...

I will get help paying my rent next month.

I will find a way to earn enough money to pay my electricity.

I have set up a wall of defense against you, my bovine boss, so you no longer have control over what I do with my personal time!  Go ahead and chew my ass!  You will get a big fat belly ache!

...But You Ain't Gonna Have Any Effect on My Progress Towards Success...it now has an INNER and OUTER wall of defense against YOU!

There isn't a bloody thing you are going to be able to do with your fear tactics and I'm no longer under your thumb...so fire me if you want!  I will be very thankful for what I have that you can no longer touch! So go eat your McDonalds!

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Behealthy Premium
Lol...you made me laugh with this. Reminded me of a film I watched once were this guy planned to blow up his work place... lol...great post.
Sherion Premium
You make me laugh. I like the way you write. Best Wishes to You.
Labman_1 Premium
Oh, geez, we have you for an entire year now. Well I for one am pleased as punch. Might I just say, Welcome to WA. Congratulations on your milestone. You redefine progress for many of us.
Meadow Breeze Premium
Daniel, You are a very Inspirational writer! Congratulations on making your Goal! You deserve the success that you have been working toward. Have a great day and keep that winning attitude ALIVE!
jimmywrex Premium
are you cranking the sales in yet Daniel?