Holistic Doctor Wins Battle Against FDA!!

Last Update: June 13, 2011

This is some of the stuff I write about, so it is in line with one of my campaigns. 

For any of you who has suffered from cancer or know people who has (most of us) this movie if for you!  It has been online for two days now and today is the last day.  It will be going on sale in food stores all over the country.

It is a full length documentary but is history in the making!

The following link will only be good for today (June 13) and it comes down at midnight.  I wish I had found this two days ago.

There are many, many instances of doctors and physicists finding cures for lethal diseases that have been thrown into prison, practice shut down and everything confiscated by the FDA...simply because the treatment has not been approved.  This includes chiropractors, homeopathic, naturopathic...and others.  This one concerns a holistic treatment that has proven to be a highly effective alternative (replacement) for chemotherapy.  It is time this barbaric practice comes to an end with a far friendlier treatment. This treatment cures about 25% of the worst cancers (including brain tumors) as opposed to the 5% in chemo.

This movie is shocking!  It is in opposition to the for-profit venues of our FDA.  This story will hit you in the heart...


The movie is just below the fold.



This is no joke!

No sooner than I had finished writing this, my telephone rang.  It was my sister, Sharon.  She asked me if I'm excited about my upcoming trip to Massachusetts.

Ironically, part of her message was that my brother Roy whom I've not seen for 20 years has cancer.  They just found this Wednesday or Thursday and she has been trying to contact me.

Sometimes we take each other for granted.  It has been 20 years.  How things change.  I gave my sister the link and see if we can get my brother into this treatment program.  Don't want to lose another family member to cancer!

This is not added to make any of you folks click the link.  I did not know this was coming.  Well, it's here.  My day has changed.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Daniel, I can't imagine that anyone would be turned away for any reason. Get on the phone with Burzynski, or his staff and ask questions. When you know more about your brother's condition, you can be more specific. My brother in law simply doesn't trust the alternative doctors, yet he will subject himself to chemo. I'm told that I shouldn't interfere. Very hard to watch.
Behealthy Premium
Thanks for this. For sure there is no money in curing people.
The controllers of our existance regonise this. The best they do they will do is to make you believe enough that they are doing something worthwhile. You here it once in a while that they have found some new breakthrough.
You get teased enough to stay hypnotised and decieved.
I was watching the movie. It was late and I did fall asleep through part of it but I do remember there is something to the effect that the ones that can get in on the program are those that have been in radiation and chemo. You are saying that brother-in-law was denied treatment or that he himself is refusing the treatment? That doesn't sound very good. I wonder what is up here, whether or not my brother would even be able to get in. I'm finding now it's cancer of the esophagus but how bad is not known yet. My brother used to smoke a pipe 20 years ago when I last saw him. This sounds like a smoking problem.
iw99 Premium
Good luck with your brother Daniel. My thoughts are with you
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Daniel. I'm so with you on this. I know about Dr. Burzynski and his success with cancer. Listened to the interview on the link you provided. Will go back in later today to see the documentary. I am so glad he won out over the FDA. My brother-in-law is suffering from prostate cancer right now. He's being treated with chemo therapy and radiation. I'm very worried about him because he looks awful. I'd love to see him in the hands of Dr. Burzynski or Dr. Gonzales in New York. He won't do it, so I have to bow out. I would definitely get your brother to Houston before the other treatments start, such as surgery, radiation and chemo. Very sorry to hear that your brother was diagnosed with cancer. But as Dr.Oz and others state in the interview, there are better treatments available and there definitely is hope. My best wishes for your brother's recovery.