How's This for a Keyword Experience...

Last Update: August 31, 2011

I have been remodeling my sister's house and tonight she searched eBay using the word "couch."  Yes, a new living room set is in store...

Today I had a break from working on it and went digging an 1890s dump with Larry, for old bottles...Larry, my brother, puts his bottles on eBay...

When Kathy, my sister did her search for the new couch, she noticed something weird...

Why would there be a listing for an old bottle in "couch?"

Larry just happened to stop by and show us two bottles he had found when he went back out again...

Kathy called Larry into the room to show him the bottle...

It turned out to be one of Larry's bottle listings!

Larry doesn't spell very well and when he listed the 1890s cough medicine bottle he had found, you guessed it...

He spelt it, "couch." 

This is no joke and happened today.  As of this writing, do a search on eBay, "couch."  Set the location for "Boston MA" and set the radius in miles to 100.  Larry's eBay user name is 'larrysoldiesbutgoodiesbottles.' If he hasn't  yet fixed this discovered error, you should find a bottle about six places down.

It couldn't happen again the way it did in a million years!

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Labman_1 Premium
Hmm, perhaps you can ride that wave somehow.
Hi Barnabus, I think my brother has fixed the error by now. It was definitely the talk of the day around here.
Barnabus Premium
Daniel, Great story about a misspelled keyword> I have to go check the listing now.Another thing too about the tale caught my eye. I used to go hunting for bottles (still do if the property is in a place I'm allowed to go to, the weather is right,and of course the misses let's me out long enough to dig in the dirt)..Once more great story about a misspeled kueyword