My GoPro Camera Now in Town!

Last Update: May 15, 2012
I was feeling pretty glum this morning.  I was looking at my campaign.  It still is not doing anything.  I'm seeing people making consistent income and I should be also.

Getting a USPS pink slip brought excitement to my day.

Could this be the camera??  I went to the post office to get it but I got there too early.  I have to wait until after 5:00 to pick it up as the carrier who has it now on his or her truck is still out and about.

It is way too early for the shipment so I thought it had to be my Truth About Abs book.  I asked the postal worker if she could determine what came...a book...a camera...or something else I just ordered during the night.

The name, "K. Neff" is scrawled on the top.  I went back into my emails and found "kev701999"

Seems to be somewhat of a resemblance.  Then...THERE IT IS RIGHT ON THE RECEIPT..."K. Neff!"


Also, someone flagged me down when I was coming home from working at the golf course...

I stopped despite I usually don't for strangers, but I had to find out who this was.  He was at the corner store pumping gasoline.  He was talking what I thought was gibberish but I couldn't understand what he was asking me...something about if my bike had a trunk.  I told him it was under the saddle.

He knew I was just not getting what he was saying and he reached into the back of his pickup and pulled out a what he was telling me...a trunk that goes to my bike!  It is like new and now I can carry my new GoPro HD Hero 2 Camera home in it.  I'm going out right now and install it to the bike.

Yesterday I repaired the spark plug from popping out of his place.  I found it was simply not tightened down all the way and it is very hard to reach around the plastics to get it in right.  After removing the plastics I found the threads were actually NOT stripped out!  Whilst at it, I did other repairs it needed, tightening down the bracket that holds the left mirror and brake handle.  I can now see behind me via the mirrors...and tried to adjust the throttle cable.

In spite of my depression this morning, today turned out to be super!
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