My Time is Up.

Last Update: November 28, 2011

It's that time of the year.   My domain registrations and hosting are all due.

I've been suffering from no usual.  I can only bang my head against the wall so long.  It's making me sick.  Somehow I'm just not meant to do this...I've tried to hang on as long as I could.  Last year, I had this same problem and had to beg for money to be able to keep things going.  This year is no different except that I don't have the resources I had last year.  Stumbling over two-figure amounts of money continues to slap me around.

I've been a handful here, I will admit.  I don't think I will be renewing my membership.  I tried the best I could with the resources here having no e-mail lists nor followings of any kind, except my family and a very small few on FB.  I made one of the people I sent an invite for the $1 promotion and made her ripping mad because I put that on her wall.  I've not communicated with her and all the sudden, I'm not, in any way, blaming anybody else but myself for this.

I've spent an entire day putting this on classified ads, one after the other.  Not a single response came from it.  I've gotten two clicks for a total from the efforts I've tried to put into this.

I realize I should be much further with IM than I am having been here this long, but circumstances which, at the this time, is taller than I am.  That too, is inexcusable, but it is what it is right now.  The last e-mail sent by Kyle is just so tantalizing.  I've been after that pipe dream for a number of years now.  I just seems so easy.

I have to do what I'm totally against doing...but it's expedient...find a job...any job to get it so I'm not depending on other people for my most basic needs.

I've tried to maintain a positive attitude and have learned a lot about how we humans are wired.  The last last year has been one of great enlightenment.  Unfortunately, I've been a strain on this membership too as a number of you know.

I think, at this point, it's best I discontinue my membership.  I'm just not getting anywhere with this and it bugs the hell out of me knowing that the potential is there but consistently remains out of reach.

I've cashed out my gold.  It is a last ditch effort to save my domains from being deleted.

I realize folks here have better things to do than to listen to someone moaning and complaining all the while.  So, in this regard, I need to spare you all of this and leave.  I've given this the best I could.  This is hard for me to do because WA has done more for me than just IM.  It just takes too long for what I've learned about myself to sink in and be implemented.  This not having income isn't helping me.  Nobody wants to hire me.

It's all the same song, so I won't rehash it.  As has been said of me a number of time...I am my own worst enemy.  It's not healthy for this membership and I know it.  What a little bit of success wouldn't do for me right now, but this isn't the land of Oz.  Success continues to evade me...or I it.

I must add this:  For you new members, what happens to me is NO reflection on this membership.  WA members have bent over backward to help me but my issues are not IM-related, so PLEASE do not let this deter you.  There are MANY who have been in this membership that are now living lives of their dreams.  My situation is atypical. 

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Steve Wood Premium
Sometimes my friend you just need to throw everything out of the window and start again.
Maths are everything in this game, Supply and demand.

When the supply out strips the demand it's like trying to sell sand in the desert.
Think hard about that one.
I've gotten good at math. You are right. The numbers here are on a scoreboard. Mine have been consistently zeroes. That is discouraging. This throwing thing out the window has been the center theme in my life. It is in other people's lives as well. In my circle, trying to presell WA has been like sand in the desert. It has everything to do with the kind of people I know. Half of them are internet marketers and the other half are from my family and friends at church...none of them having any interest at all in marketing on the Internet. So, you are partially right with this. There are those who will purchase this membership. I do not have any of those in my circle. My circle is very tiny. As for throwing things out the window again...I hate to is like being controlled by the wind wherever it lists. That's not the way of an entrepreneur. I know this but I'm still living the life of "just happening" in spite of knowing that I must take control. That just has not come to age for me. What you say is painfully correct. I might never be able to get along in this industry due to my ability to be able, not to try and sell ice to Eskimos, but to find the Arabs in the desert to sell it to.
johnforte5 Premium
Its so so sad to hear you talk like this Daniel. You were very instrumental to my a first step at WA. Please dont give up on yourself. All you need is bit of Motivation, persistence and maybe a part time job while you are still trying to put your foot on the ground.

I believe discouragement from time to time is to be expected in the life of an entrepreneur much more an Interpreneur which you are. Am sure Kyle and Carson will be able to help by writing a post on some of the challenges they had as start ups.

Dust yourself up and try again!!!
PS: If you can send me your email addy i can send you some powerful audio books which keeps me going when am despondent. WE ALL BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT!!
I have been trying to find a part-time job to balance things out here. I had one almost a year ago but it was under the table (not bad in itself but certainly left me unprotected) The guy was a real hard person to work for and I just couldn't take it...quit. It was a bad mistake. I don't discount what I've learned here or the membership itself at all, my problem is not has consistently been my ability to share, provide, or fill demands the right ways. Mine is a personality problem. It really gets in the way despite the writing talent I know I have. Being able to connect with folks is vital in this business and one I just have not mastered. Yes, entrepreneurs are just as human as anyone else...suffer bumps along the road. I've been through a long life of hardship and abusive situations. That has done a lot of damage to my emotional and spiritual well-being. It isn't any wonder why people get irritated with me. I've been doing everything I can to get rid of the weaknesses I have because they directly interfere with my own efforts to do what I love doing. Henriv (below) introduced a book to me. I now have it and started reading. It does get kind of deep and a little "dry" but it appears to be a very good book...with exercises in it. As for my membership, etc. It looks like it is the end. I just don't have the resources to keep it up. If I were able to get into a part-time job. I need to be able to work with someone who is supportive, given my personal needs. So far I've worked for some real jerks. I don't like employment, but know it's expedient at times.
Robg1 Premium
Good luck Daniel. Maybe getting rid of all your domains but one is a good idea. Keep you focused on one until it works. I certainly have been guilty of creating too many sites and not just focusing on one until it works. I have come a long long way this year but like you I have not yet monetized my efforts. I am stripping down everything to just one site and am going to focus on that. There are still ways you could continue for free. Using a blog spot page and sharing posts on a Facebook page etc. Put that together with what you have learned here and you could get somewhere. Anyway best of luck. I really hope it works out for you. Rob.
meknowsu Premium
Hello Daniel, I am new to WA and I was touched by your blog post, it must be a difficult time for you and I wanted to say that if you get a chance, watch some of Anthony Robbins Videos on Youtube, they are very enlightening and life changing, he teaches how to put ourselves in a elevated Peak State and how we can turn things around in our lives by what we focus on.

The four elements that will help you is: 1. Belief, 2. Potential, 3. Action, 4. Results

It is this very formula that will help you get through tough times, one of Tony Robbins videos talks about how when things get tough and we are ready to give up we are just one millimeter away from getting to where we really want to be.

All it takes is belief in your ability because you have the potential and once you put massive action behind it you will see the results you desire. I know it is easier said than done but I hope my words help in some way.

I believe in you!
Henriv Premium
Hi Daniel, it would be sad to see you leave. I have been following your blog here at WA and I have been intrigued by your writing for which I believe you have great talent. You have come a long way, and I am sure you are heading in the right direction, you might be very close to a break through. Hang in there somehow. If you can, read Psycho Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. It is all about redesigning the way we see ourselves which ultimately leads to a transformation of our own personalities and beliefs. We must uproot all those negative perceptions of ourselves and all the things that have held us back before real change can take place. While we may talk ourselves into success, success will keep evading us until we have that inner feeling of being worthy of a better life or success for that matter.
All the best.
I know. It is, deeply inside of me the feeling that success just isn't for me. I find myself sabotaging my efforts by procrastination and knowing I still come very short with being able to connect with people as I should. I have come a long way, but being broke all the time is not helping me. I'm fully aware of the negative perceptions but still have not been able to shake it. You are right on the money when it comes to seeing success. I'm quite down on myself because I have not had any income in quite a while...and depending on others to support me. That's dead wrong! I've been trying to hold my head up. I told Kyle I'd be at Vegas...I only got two clicks though this entire promotion. I stopped mid way. That's not the way of a winner, and I know it. By this time here, I should not have to resort to things like free classified ads and putting all my eggs in the FaceBook basket when I only have 60 friends there. You can only do so much with that small amount of people...half of them are successful Internet marketers who have not gotten left behind like myself. I will look into Dr. Maxwell Maltz' book...if I can find a copy at the library since I can't just go out and buy one. Thanks for your comment though. I do get down. I'm just so tired of struggling with the most basic life's necessities and there is just no excuse for it.
I found a pdf of this older model, but it will work. Thanks for the resource. I'm bound to get this problem out of my life once and for all. I have already read an abstract on this book.