One Would Think that 'By Now...'

Last Update: May 03, 2012

I am nearly completed (just a few more tweaks left) optimizing my campaign using the three WAbinars with the case study.

I realize the content is still on the low side, but what I have, by now, should be putting my site somewhere within the first 100 SERPs. Nothing doing!

It's ranking somewhere (because it comes up when googled.)

There is no way that I know of to check exactly which page this is ranking on.

I feel like, at this point, that I've got to give up on this campaign. Over the time I've been here now, I've done nothing less than make an ass of myself. I'm really frustrated now. Even with the quotes, it's not showing up in the first 100 pages (this is after "Repeat Search Including the Omissions")

I don't know what to say at this point. I have sites that are in the first page with very little trying...but this ...low qsr, low completition high monthly searches (still shows thus in Jaaxy) I can't for the life of me get this campaign to show in the available SERPs.

If I have to get to the point where I need to just end this campaign, I will also leave WA and not try to pursue this industry anymore. Where is the victory? All I've seen thus far with all this education (that others are making out like bandits on) and is utter failure and apparent incompetence.

It sounds negative, I know, but here in this membership, because I do have social difficulties, internet marketing is probably not for me, when I can't even get around here socially because I'm not fitting in with the crowd and can't join in conversations like many here have no problem doing. Gone is my hopes of ever being able to attend the conference, let alone take such an opportunity as this campaign and screw it up. My WA ranking has been at 1471 (up from 9 just before I got sick and EOP was launched) has not changed since. So, coming down to it...I'm not making here, both in the training and work...and socially.

I know some of my questions are so dumb that they get ignored. Even the not so dumb ones are getting ignored these days...unless I directly PM. Even then, some of them don't get answered...obviously time-wasters.

Writing well and writing to convert are two completely different things. My writing may be articulate at times, but it sure isn't capturing any interest by most people. I can see how totally off my content is when putting up to a professional site. I have completely redone the content in the pages of the site that is prepared to "marinate" before adding monetization. I must have done something to make Google hate this campaign.

This is how I feel about this now. I know things are not looking as good as they would if I were not dealing with health issues. I am missing nutrients, but I don't know which ones, for lack of eating. Why this thing isn't ranking (and that there are some really sick and stupid websites out ranking it) is totally stumping me and it's causing great anxiety for me now.


Okay, five new leads here...

@Daniel_Euergetes I would not have two instances within the title no.


@Daniel_Euergetes Yeah, that video is eating up too much real estate as well. On first look, it appears as though there is little substance on your page. Maybe you want to embed that within the text.less than a minute ago


@Daniel_Euergetes Keyword stuffing...Google is hitting your page and seeing "GoPro HD Hero Camera Review" 3 times in the first block...and there is not much other content. This is definitely hurting you. Not a good first impression for Google. 2 minutes ago


@Daniel_Euergetes Any crawl errors etc in your Google Webmaster Tools that need addressing (I just checked mine and I have 13 broken (old) urls!) Worth checking4 minutes ago

Found my settings for Sitemap wiped out. Been to all the pages before. Why I had to reverify and do all this over, who knows...but has been done. Now I can check for errors in Wemaster Tools...

For crawl errors; keywords, reports no data.


@Daniel_Euergetes Shorten your page title Daniel.4 minutes ago


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Denisara Premium
Hang in there Daniel. I am answering in sort of reply to your PM too. Thanks for the possible sale from my site. hope its one from COMMISSION JUNCTION because they just wrote me an email saying that they are going to deactivate my account because I have made no sales yet. That site you that you refer to also was/is my first site that I built and its in need of attention. I know. I feel like I failed there, so I built another site, than another, to six, and I feel that only two are going to succeed - maybe. I know how you feel. I'm there myself, but if I quit, then I will have failed life so I just don't give up. and hope i never do. neither should you. and p.s. You are totally social on chat dude! love to hear from ya, and if there is anything that I can ever do to help, well, IM THERE!
Wow! I didn't know they do that! If I purchase, I will certainly go through your CJ window. I'm not usually like this socially, I feel good today without stomach pain!
mhamilt Premium
Quick hint: Stop thinking that your site *should* be ranking now because you've done all those things. Google doesn't look at a site and go 'aha, I'm going to move it up the rankings immediately'. These things happen in leaps and bounds. I say this not to depress you further, but to hopefully help you to realize that the anxiety and fear is formed inside your head. Yes, it's easy to get discouraged. To work on something endlessly and seemingly nothing to change is depressing and upsetting. Goodness knows I know this feeling well! The only thing that you can do is to keep working on it. Take what you've done and do it again. While WA offers a plan for action, it's up to you to adjust it accordingly and to continually experiment with it.

As far as your site goes, I think it's really good. Of course it can be improved (but so can everything) but I feel that your work will pay off. Perhaps Google just hasn't gotten around to updating your site yet. It will climb in the rankings.

As for finding out what position your site is, set your Google results page to 100 results and do a 'page search' (in your web browser) for your domain. If it's there, it will appear.

My main point here is that perhaps there are things in your life that are more important then internet marketing for you at the moment. I took a big break from IM due to health concerns, and that was the right decision. And as for your site, don't worry about it so much. Checking it obsessively only feeds that anxiety. I can look at some of my websites and dislike them too. It's easy to compare, it's much harder to say 'yeah, that's actually not so bad'. Take a step back and know you are a valued member of the WA community and whichever community you live in. Mark.
Thanks for this reply, Much of my frustration is trying to get rid of the health problem I'm having and trying to conduct life anyway. Soon after having written this, I knew it was not the right thing to dump the campaign. It is mostly out of frustration. It might not have made me angry today to look at the SERPs if I were feeling better. Just like sometimes you want to smash the monitor or something unproductive like that when a problem refuses to resolve.

I really wish I had a better knack of connecting with people, but that too, has been quite a journey.

I felt the best thing I could do to fix this problem is to work on the site in spite of it. I got some really nice tips from the chat engine and continuing to get them. I oopsed by blocking a post from the search engines and Jay got me on that one!

I say thing sometimes and I really feel it! But soon after, I repent and move forward again.

There is also one other thing that keeps my drive going...the fact that if I give up, I get to continue cleaning bathrooms, digging trenches and grading for my pay at a nearby golf course.

I'm thankful for the income, but it's not what I want for the rest of my life...

Makes great incentive to keep at the IM.

After taking the bull by the horns again and working on it, I feel much better about it.
klrrider Premium
"There is also one other thing that keeps my drive going...the fact that if I give up, I get to continue cleaning bathrooms, digging trenches and grading for my pay at a nearby golf course."

Hey... that's what I do! Only it is at a local High School. Graded the track, cleaned the track bathrooms (among other things) today and will be trenching on the school farm tomorrow!

Hang in there Daniel... look for a new niche to get that excitement back.
@klrrider: I wouldn't mind doing that just for the exercise or to help out a worthy cause, but not let it be my livelihood as it is right now, and probably is for you too. It's the knowledge that giving up is wrong thinking that makes me turn around and go at it again.

I admit, I do get really negative at times. These days, it's been up and down. Better than what it used to be, down all the time. I am reminded daily to not succumb to negativity by this membership, my mentors (very thankful to have them!) and the Bible.

(my mention of the Bible is not a push on religion, but simply a mentioning of one of the sources where I have derived this knowledge. If having mentioned this violates one of the rules here, I will remove it.)