Positive Thoughts Can Change Your Life

Last Update: June 07, 2011

I found fragments of the following email on an old floppy disk from when I first discovered Internet marketing.  It was a great find!  I had lost this subscription when I lost my home at the end of 2004.  The floppies deteriorated but using data recovery, I extracted enough information on them to find this site still online and resubscribe last week.  I make it a part of my day to stop what I'm doing and put my focus for a short time each day on this and another subscription I have today from long ago.

Though some may find this rather corny, they really help me offset my issues (which, by the way, seem to be improving.)  I usually read this when I first get up but I'm still up and have it now...before going to bed.  I love this sequence!  It is coming up in the exact order it did back then and I'm now archiving it like I did then.  I've shared this morning's newsletters here for anyone who wants to read it...  It is quite short...



Positive Thoughts Can Change Your Life

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Today' s Positive Thought is brought to you FR*EE by:

It's time to move beyond simple manifesting techniques and actually
manifest abundance and prosperity in your life. Learn how a Divine
revelation explains why abundance is still out of reach of so many
spiritual seekers. Click here to learn more...

June 8, 2011
Hi Daniel
Expect a miracle today!
Today's Positive Thought:
The universe is a friendly place.

Today's Positive Affirmation
I expect good things to happen in my life because
the universe is supporting my success.

Today's Positive Visualization
I take an even breath and allow myself to experience
the Divine presence within me. I affirm that this
same Divine presence is the substance and foundation
of the entire universe. Because it is God's will for
me to prosper and be in good health I expect the
universe to support my success. I imagine that
everywhere I go today the Divine presence is
supporting me in every way. In my mind's eye I see
people and situations greeting me with love and
support. I imagine myself discovering opportunities
for success everywhere I go. I experience a deep sense
of peace knowing that all is well in my life and in
the world. I combine these images with the feelings
of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create
the good things I am visualizing and thinking.
Today's Featured Resource
How One Man Achieved Fina^ncial Fre*edom In An Unexpected Way!
"Expect to achieve fina^ncial fre*edom. Follow the promptings of your
Spirit Self and you will succeed."
God's blessings can come in surprising ways. You don't
have to see the source to know that blessings are possible.
Here's story of how one man found fina^ncial fre*edom
in an unexpected way.
A Personal Message From Marty Dow, 
Author of Secrets of Spirit Led Fina^ncial Fre*edom e-Course
To read this article go to:
http://ifcl.com/featured/ secrets/unexpectedways.html
Sharing Positive Thoughts with Others!
Feel free to share this thought with your friends and family.

I only ask that add a link to our service every time you share
the thoughts with others. Please include our site:
http://free-positive-thought. com.

If you intend to publish my thoughts in any "for profit" mediums,
you will need to get my permission. To get permission for any
"for profit" publication,please go to:

http://free-positive-thought. com/reprint.shtml  

© Creative Living Foundation, INC
All rights reserved.

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Other Important Links
*Refer A Friend
http://ifcl.com/cgi-bin/ birdcastfpt.cgi

*Other Resources For Your Spiritual Growth

*Metaphysical Bible Study

*Transforming Your Life Through The Power of Love
FR*EE Ebook

*Grief Support

Enjoy and God Bless,
Marty Dow

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SamanthaLynn Premium
Thank you for those affirmations. They really do make a big difference in your day and life especially when your not having such a great day or week. Thanks again!!
Self help is an individual thing so you do what works for you and disregard anyone else's opinion. I have some "creative visualization" techniques I use on the golf course that I ain't sharing with my opponents any time soon. Have yourself a super week.