Poverty's Prison...and the Key!

Last Update: March 08, 2011

The following is a dialog between my brother and I.  It is self-explanatory...

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Daniel Euergetes [e-mail address removed] wrote:
Hi Larry,

I have not yet received a package from you.  Please do not lose those hard drives.  They have (or at least one of them) have important data on there.  They may contain data that I had lost from a massive deletion that had occurred in my Journal.  I'm very eager to get these and have a computer I can put them in.  I retrieve the data off them and secure it, the hard drives will be cleaned and pitched.  I appreciate you doing this for me but you said you were sending them the following Tuesday but it has been weeks now.  Did you send them?  I will return a money order to you for the shipping.  Maybe little by little you can send the stuff that was at Kathy's first and then we can go from there.

Let me know what's happening.

With love,


P.S.  Just a reminder if you have not sent them yet to be sure they are packaged in bubble wrap.  One bad jolt in the mail and these are worthless.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 12:31 AM, lawrence [e-mail address removed] wrote:
hi im just waiting to free up some money to send your items there boxed an ready to go i will send you a tracking # when shipped Larry


Dear Larry,

Doesn't that suck when you find yourself so low on money...can't do things you wanna do...fulfill promises you've made...go out and buy the damnest things when they deplete?

  • You can't even afford to buy a roll of toilet paper...and use newspaper?  (isn't good for anything else anyway)
  • Can't replace a broken can opener...a $3 commodety?
  • Have to use laundry detergent to wash your dishes?
  • Doing one load of laundry cuts into your rent money?
  • Have to tape your tennis shoes sole from flapping?
  • An automobile is out of the question?
  • Have to keep pumping air into a bicycle wheel because you can't afford a new tube?
  • Can't afford to buy a tire patching kit?
  • Have to use FaBreeze because you've run out of under-arm deodorant?  ...Or don't go into work and have your boss tell you you stink!
  • Have to put up with mosquitoes because you can't afford bug spray?
  • Have to think in terms of scarcity all the time?
  • Rationing out the most mundane things like the few drops of rubbing alcohol...only to find you've left the cap off and it evaporated!
  • Ants getting into your peanut butter because you can't afford stuff to kill them?
  • No hot water because the hot water heater broke over a year ago?
  • No toilet facilities because you can't afford the sewer line to run to the septic tank?
  • Can't fulfill promises...even when it curtails a few bucks...

Can't this...can't that...it all points the same damn thing...NO MONEY!

Yet your next door neighbor goes out and has a $20 breakfast???  Thinks nothing of it...every morning...

And...he has only half of your intelligence?

And then...a member sits down to eat his breakfast (Member of Wealthy Affiliate University) ..and makes $250 whilst eating!  ...and I have yet to make one lousy sale!  Yet I have the required intelligence and the very blueprints to fly past my boss financially!   Why?????

Why and I sitting here in the middle of the night...trying to swat mosquitoes that are buzzing around, evading my swatting hands yet right there in plain sight in front of this computer screen?  They evade my angry, slapping hands like success, freedom, independence, optimum health, happiness!

I don't know if it's the dread of going to that job or the mosquitoes that has awoken me...

It's now 2:00 am...I'm riding the hands of the clock and getting very dizzy!

Yes...I'm totally sick of it too.

It sucks!  ...Big time!

And...you know what that is?

We both think in terms of scarcity...

...that's what we get.  There you have it!  We've got the same disease!  Yet we have great potential inside of us...

It's hot in here!  Woke up with itching mosquito bites all over my fingers, back, places I can't reach!  It's after 1:00 in the morning.  The mosquitoes are buzzing around and not a damn thing I can do about it but cover up and sweat...and itch where they've already bitten me!  ...only to push off the blanket again when I fall back to sleep and get bit some more!  ...every night!

Broken air conditioner!  Fix that??? Out of the question!

And I have to face my bovine boss again...screw up my plans because he wants me to come in on my day off...to yell at me again for leaving a french fry between the seats of the car I cleaned...or accidentally call him by the wrong name (looks, sounds and has a similar personality of Don, Sharon's husband...so I accidentally call him "Don" instead of "Dave")  Wow!  I almost got fired for that two days ago!  Got my ass chewed real bad!  And I slap my forehead in amazement that I did it again and didn't even realize until I'm getting hollered at...only to accidentally call him "John,"  my landlord's name!  Walk away...only to be told to get back in front of him...he's not done with me...

What a joke!  Better get in line or get fired!  Be treated like an unruly school boy and that it is a privilege to earn $32 per day!  Better start loving my job and show my gratitude by coming in there with enthusiasm and a smile on my face...or get replaced...  Oh...by the way...be in here ten minutes early...and you don't get paid for that!

Gotta love it...or leave it!  Where's the door!

My boss can't even do simple mathematics!  His wife has to compose letters for him!  Yet he drives a new Ford F-150 with a king cab...so does his wife, daughter...and they live in a million-dollar home and have all the toys...big screen TV, own a franchise (at which I work for diddly-squat!)

Wow!  He had me wash his truck for him...and made me do it over because I used soap solution I had used on other cars!  I had the audacity to use that on the BOSS' truck!  No! No! NO!  How dare I even think about it!

I'd like to know how these friggin' mosquitoes are getting in here!  Another sleepless night!  Lucky you!  Mosquitoes can't live where the snow lies!

Poverty sucks!  Downright sick of it...to the max!  How people can sit there and assert that poverty is a virtue???  It's a SIN!  There's NO excuse for it!  No excuse whatsoever!

Isn't about time, brother, we've both changed our thinking???  Isn't that where it starts???  You bet!  The same mind that thinks impoverishment can also think abundance...so what's the problem???

But for now, back to that hot bed...it's the same story in the morning...tear myself out of it when I've finally gotten half my sleep...the newspapers, FaBreeze, using a knife to open cans, eat a cheap breakfast from a cracked plastic margarine bowl, out the door, whatever the weather...pumping up a bicycle wheel and off to the circus again...and be the bosses fool again!

The mosquitoes light somewhere for the hot day in here and await the nocturnal feast again...and I risk another night of getting malaria or some other disease they carry!  How's that for Russian Roulette?

Both of us have to do something about the scarcity in our lives!  There is absolutely no excuse for this in the world!  We are what we think!  No two ways about it...

Better start thinking Abundance!  That's where it begins.  It is the Key that unlocks the prison of Disparity and Poverty!

Good grief Brother...I'm a Member of a place that has one of the highest rates of success that can be found anywhere on the visible Internet!  What is MY PROBLEM!?  Yes!  It's all in the MIND!


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jatdebeaune Premium
I feel your pain, and I have to say this is so vivid and well written, it could be a chapter in a book. Daniel, take yourself to a magazine or a publisher and show some of your writing. I know you don't want to be under someone's thumb, but it's really not like that. You'll be respected for your talent, AND you'll have money. Look at the positives. Your talent is bankable. You'll be with kindred spirits who understand you and how your mind works and will pay for this talent. Not everyone is a vulture. You can continue to do something special over the Internet and stay with WA too. Only difference is you'll have money. I'm a painter and have made a great income as a designer using my painting talent. Yes, I've had to make it into a business, so it's not an ivory tower, but damn fun. Throw off that heavy mantle that I see you carrying around. You don't need it. Pardon me if I'm being too familiar. I like you and see your potential and just want to see you happy.