Remodeling and Maintaining Your Real Estate...

Last Update: July 05, 2011

I'm not talking home improvement here.

I'm talking websites.

Yes...left to themselves (especially WP blogs) they can resemble some of the worst apartment buildings and houses in ghetto areas.  I know.  I've seen it happen to one of my blogs.

Today it is slated for demolition.

It will be a vacant lot for awhile, but no more squatters will inhabit it.

No more vile rubbish will come from it.

I've not kept up with the updates and it became a haven for some of the worst people out of Asia and Russia.  It became riddled with graffiti.  In spite of my best efforts to renew it and chase out the rubbish, I've found it there again this morning.

They've found another way in.  They've pulled the boards off the windows.

One way to get them out...tear it down.

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Labman_1 Premium
elana Premium
Love your analogy!
Yes, it is torn down now. When I'm ready I will replace it with something much better than was there. It will be my corporate site but I've not yet completed the campaigns that will be housed in it.
muskyblood Premium
Tear it down, Daniel. If it is not making you any money don't invest any more time with it.