Someone Stole My Wheels But the Show Must Still Go On!

Last Update: September 10, 2011

First, before I go any further, I want to cordially thank D. Baily, Jat Debune, Labman, and others who offer the kind of support I need as I write in this blog.  One thing I do know is that I am sitting on a gold mine but not all the tools to do the digging.  I tried to acquire the tools I need to market the Birthday Promotion but all that went up in smoke (along with my ability to return to my home in Florida due to being shafted on a remodel job I have nearly completed.)  Can anyone remodel a kitchen and bathroom in a week and a half???

I dare say not!

I found out yesterday I'm only getting paid (hourly at that) for 65 hours for over two month's work!  I guess I should have been Superman!

It damages my plans in off-line promotions for the Event.

I am now stranded (again somewhere) in Massachusetts and cannot go back home owing quite a lot of back rent now.  I requested at least $1600 for my work.  He laughed in my face!  How can some people sleep at night for the things they do to others who are already "down in the hole."

Being so vulnerable is sapping the life right out of me!

I was taken advantage of again and it is time for it to STOP!

I realize I do have short-comings, but I also realize there are others worse off than myself who have made the grade.

Here I am...another year, another e-mail list and my campaigns in shambles.  What I wouldn't do to free myself up of my economic hardship long enough to be able to put my 100% into this!

Jat discussed what it can mean to live around certain family members.  Yes, family ties can be damaging because unfortunately, they too, can be poisonous.  They mean well, bless their hearts.  My greatest difficulty with family is more the "other half" of each of my siblings.  I have been a fugitive from the employment world for several years now and living in gut wrenching poverty and having to depend on others for the support of the most mundane things in my life.

It has to stop!  It has to stop NOW!  My integrity has been worn to the bone and very few will listen to anything I have to say.  I'm known as a "user" because my drive to go for my passions and learn IM has yielded no results yet.

Even the pursuit of personal development has brought skewed faces from my family members who are saying, "Yeah, right!"

I love my family.  I respect each one for the rough lives they have all endured, like myself.  I was one of the most damaged of all because I cowered under the physical and emotional stress from childhood.

Today, thanks to WA and sundry other sources, many of the issues I deal with have been brought to light where I can see them with an open truthful eye and go from there.

I will beat this problem to my death if need be.  This way, I will reach the end of my life with no regrets for at least having given it all honest efforts and not just trying.

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The work was for my sister's boyfriend, which would cause a lot of disruption if I resorted to legal means. It's a lesson to learn about not getting things in stone before proceeding. I did protest the insulting offer and it has been adjusted. It certainly does not match the value of removing the unhealthy conditions that were in the house for decades. It has been seriously interrupting my efforts for the Birthday Promotion and unfortunately I'm going to lose a day at it so far. My sister loved having me but he did not share in that sentiment and made it as uncomfortable as possible without my sister detecting anything wrong. Live and learn...
Labman_1 Premium
Re your remodel. Getting paid for a contract can be a difficult proposition but many people do work this out. If you feel you have done the work and are not being paid for it you can file a lein for services rendered at the county courthouse. At least talk to the town clerk and see if you have recourse. Sounds like a significant fee has been withheld and there are ways to get paid. Check into it. Don't just take the abuse. If this is a family member ( I seem to recall you saying in another post) then work something out that gets you closer to the full payment. You can threaten to get the authorities involved. That may help. Good Luck to you.