Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
February 07, 2012
Burned Out! There's just no way around this! Get up in the morning and try to get as many things done on my ToDo list as possible before it is time to go out the door to engage in back-breaking labor for ten hours. Today was no exception!  Came home totally blitzed from over work...up and down stairs with stones...stressing to look busy all day...rain, wet feet, pretending it wasn't bothering me... The inevitable happened...not long after I came home, I just had to lay down.  Now, thre
Persistent Issue with Not Getting to Campaign It's the one thing that keeps getting carried over! I'm finding myself doing the smaller tidbits of work throughout the ToDo list and not the larger task of breaking down the Front Page article and creating more content in the website to increase chances that the site will rank.  So far it is still not showing up in the SERPs at all. My prime time is right now, but I find myself scurrying around to get ready for work, and then an e-mail from Bru
Working Hard but Not Smart. It's a foretaste of what is to come if I don't get my act together and get moving with my campaigns and plans with local marketing. It's the plight of having to work for other companies, sacrificing (or for a better term, surrendering) the lion's share of my valuable time trying to survive or just getting by in life.  I'm not even sure how much I will be earning from the grunt-work job I'm doing now (even though this is only temporary.)  At this point in tim
Still Feeling the Effects from the Back-Breaking Labor. By the end of the day yesterday, I was almost totally worthless to do anything else, in fact, things I had slated for yesterday didn't really get done until this morning before I went off to clean the church building. Even today, doing that, I couldn't move about very well without pain.  This kind of work (unless or until I get used to it, is going to really cause havoc with my "other life."  Discipline has just taken ne
Handling Marble...Body Knows It Handled Something! I'm burned out this morning and my entire digestive system hurts.  four 18"x3/4" marble tiles per package lets me know I've handled something yesterday!  It's back-breaking work but it will insure I can stay at WA for another year. It is intimidating that I have to keep resorting to this kind of income-getting, but I must do what I must.  I dread what it's going to be like lugging those things up to the second floor! &nb
A Work Day Ahead! ...Kyle's Observations of My Site Kyle @Daniel_Euergetes A few things. (1) This is your homepage description:   Learn More About The GoPro HD Hero Camera in This Editorial GoPro HD Hero Review This is keyword stuffing in a massive way and I can tell you that to a user, this does not read well. Google does not like this either. I would update this within your SEO all in one. (Fixed) (2) Social buttons (those need to be added to posts and pages, like teweet, sha
A Real Challenge in Discipline... It's going to take some real discipline to get to bed early and early to rise in the morning.  My schedule has to change abruptly and work done to my campaign in the early morning now due to most of my day being taken up with a construction job. Here it is, already 9:30 pm.  It was Bible Study tonight and had just come home from that 45 minutes ago.  I need to get my meal ready for tomorrow afternoon and make sure I'm up at 5:30 so I can do my wo
Very Embarrassing Moment! I do not have telephone service because I could not pay the yearly bill of $20!  But that's just starters... I was offered two weeks of work helping with a tile job.  The contractor was even going to come pick me up mornings!  It couldn't have been better!  But I committed one of the worst things you can do in diplomacy...forget names and faces of the person you've struck a deal with! Sad to report, I've taken the time to lay out detailed instruction
Introducing...Task Bank This will be a list of things that need to be done overall.  I will be able to choose from this list when I run out of things do to or complete initial projects.  This list will not include the extra projects I have which are reserved for end-of-the-day excursions. The top  priority items from that list will be included in Plan B and  executed as they turn up.  I already have the list compiled from an older attempt to get things done.  The l
When the Unexpected Occurs...and Ruins Plans This definitely happened today but I should be able to recoup on most of the items for today in the ToDo List.  When I went to church, I quickly discovered I was part of the Group that met today at the homes of the elder heading the Group. In response, I felt I needed to attend because otherwise, I might show my ingratitude for all the help the congregation has bestowed upon me, and indeed, I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for this ch