Uh Oh! My Boss Finds My About-Me Page!

Last Update: February 12, 2011

Oil and Water...

Everything was going pretty well at my job yesterday...that is...until I opened a can of worms...

I showed my boss' wife my Yabba-Dabba-Dooo website.  The intent was to show her my work in building a "side" income.

...a "side" income to them...but of course, that comes with intent not for them to know.

For the most part, the employee and the employer are two completely different camps.  In many ways, though the business relationship they are, they are certainly unmatched in status quo.

One of those is the fear factor...one I'm certainly experiencing right now.

Employer and Aspiring Entrepreneur Do Not Always Mix Well!

Completely beyond my expectation, my boss has his share of my website when his wife went into my "About Me" page.  It contains the term, "Psychologically Unemployable" (Refer to my post here in my blog.)


Yesterday was a productive day, rainy as it was.  I was moving along well with my tasks...but Pow...Wow!

I got called in from my work over to the computer...

"Daniel...I think I'm going to go ahead and let you go!

"Oh, not enough work today for me?"

"No.  Explain this to me..."  He opens my About Me page and goes down to the bottom two paragraphs.  In short...they give an expose on what I think about employment.

Uh oh!

The next half hour was full of fear and anxiety as I was pounded with questions about why I would write such a thing...and that if he had ever read this before hiring me...he would NEVER have hired me.

So now my boss has his attention on my websites.  They are all connected in a number of ways and now the demand is...

"So, what are you going to do about this?  I don't know that I want to keep you!"

This is worse than the Trojan Horse that proved fatal to the city of Troy!  Now do I put of a big front or do I go ahead and take my very substance about what it means to me to aspire to entrepreneurship out of publication?

I had to soften the blow of my words with a long-winded post below the article.  That post had to satisfy both camps and not be hypocritical!

...and hope my boss doesn't do anymore exploration of my writings...far too much to be going around and taking down! 

So now my boss knows my feelings about employment...irregardless to why I feel that way...to him, my apparent "bad attitude" about employment and the day of my interview were two different animals!

Just like the bizarre laws of the Church and State remain separate entities with virtually no gates betwixt them, I now find myself in the balance...more of a tug-o-war between my own feelings about employment and employment...if that makes any sense.

What an embarrassing situation!  Now I have to appease by buttering down what I have written with a post about my current job...

"I like it!  I like it!"

No...really, I don't.  Though employment is expedient for me these days, and the situation I've found is very suitable for me...and now knowing employment is a means to an end...not an end in itself...by no means do I like having to rise to an alarm clock, get up and go out the door in all kinds of weather and put up with the politics that comes with the employ...

Moral of this story...

Keep your thoughts, your ambitions, and your treasure chest of success hidden from your employer...it could mean your job, your income...and a total disruption in every phase of your life!

Keep those ambitions secret from ANYONE who has a mindset of nay-saying or negativity towards your aspiring to wealth, independence and true happiness outside of mediocrity!  This is a Tale of Two Cities...and the one you are in is a tiny village compared to the megalopolis of persons with herd and employee mentality!  That's why only 5% of the entire population controls 95% of all the wealth...and the other 95% haggle over the remaining 5%!

That's why people, like my boss, live in rented lifestyles!  That's right...a rented lifestyle!  His sprawling home, that new King Cab Ford pickup he drives around in, who knows what else the man has on credit, even those pizzas he charged yesterday, is all on credit!  They're not even his...not to mention that incredible debt he racked up with the franchise he is now a slave to...a rented lifestyle!  Something happens to him...and can't run that franchise (a glorified job...if you will...) he will be evicted from his lifestyle!

Our tiny village is tiny for good reasons...we do not conform to that kind of mediocrity...or we are learning how not to!

Like that curious Kohiki crab in the can crawling up the side to the vast world unknown and exciting...there will always be those Kohiki crabs at the bottom of the can just rearing to latch on and pull the aspiring one back into the can. Until you reach the rim of that can and jump out of it...out of harm's way of those looking out for your best interest...from the silent disease standpoint...mediocrity...keep your treasure chest a secret!

Get up out of that can first and if you do disclose anything, let it be your products and services...not your aspirations!

The Ultimate Challenge!

To make things even more complicated for me...I'm challenged by my employer to come up with three good reasons why I should denounce what I said in my About Me page... on top of possibly removing all such pages with this kind of language out of publication!

Yes...I actually have to show up for work this morning with a written statement "Why I No Longer Feel Like I'm Psychologically Unemployable."

  1. Because it keeps me out of the streets?
  2. It's expedient right now?
  3. It provides income?

No.  I can't say..."I like it...I like it!"  Because...really, I don't.  This is not to say I'm not thankful for what I have...but I'm not busting over backwards to get to that job and nor is it the center of my life...at least not really...

So far they are blank.  It's time to leave in fifteen minutes and I have not even gotten dressed!

Wow!  I hope there are a lot of cars to clean and it is a very busy day!


My boss has not furthered the challenge to me as yet...but I have three reasons why I'm in that job right now...

  1. It temporarily supports me until I can master my destiny.
  2. It is helping me build up the funds to get into the yearly subscription here...until I can support it from WA sales.
    1. It effectively gets me out of the spotlight of all the employee-minded people that I should be putting up the foolishness (aspiring to wealth) when I should be pounding that pavement looking for a job rather than being on a computer all day! 

    Not long ago, I could not see the end of the employment tunnel.  Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate, employment is now a stepping stone...a negative to a positive...but in the eyes of my employer...a positive to a negative!

    As for my boss...and millions like him...he has his piece of the pie...or thinks he has.  The problem with his piece is that it is perishable.  It can go sour and when that happens...it can poison the one who consumes it!

    People with true wealth do not live rented lifestyles!  Why do I say this person really doesn't know about how money works?  Several times he overpaid me or underpaid me. He tells me math was not his best subject!  Trying me?  I really think not...the man cannot do math!  ...but he certainly knows everything an arm-chair quarterback would know...and the mega flat-screen television to go with it!  It shows!

    My poor boss!  Better to have some education from the wealthy on how money works and be dirt-poor but rich at heart than to be playing the lotto with the credit card companies and not know the difference between consumer credit and debt service!

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    Recent messages
    jatdebeaune Premium
    Your boss doesn't have a sense of humor. I think it's hilarious that you led his wife to your blog. Hmmmm Daniel, you sure you didn't just want to sock it to him?
    smokeywins Premium
    Must admit I totally agree with your feelings about being Psychologically Unemployable. I find myself feeling the same way when it comes to my job, but I must keep it in order to pay the bills. Good luck with your boss, hopefully all works out well. You would think your boss would be a little more understanding, but I guess once you reach a certain level, you forget what the average human has to deal with on a daily basis and some of us are just not cut out for cubicle live, and the hours require to achieve that corner office takes too much time away from those we love the most. Good luck.
    NEA03 Premium
    Your boss sounds like a bit of a jerk and an evil teacher, he's making you write an essay! "Why I No Longer Feel Like I'm Psychologically Unemployable." What the??
    Robg1 Premium
    Woops! What is your job??
    muskyblood Premium
    Interesting situation Daniel. Good luck there...