WABinar Intensive!

Last Update: May 08, 2012

I've been watching these until my eyes get crossed.  I noticed there are a LOT of questions I've personally asked Jay that I could have had under my belt had I been consistent with the webinars.  Much of this occurred throughout the recent illness I had been through.

Incidently, that is slowly healing and I'm eating semi-solid foods now.  I will be knocking the vast quantity of the crap that is in the grocery stores from my list.  By and by, there is very little that is worth anything, and some of it is absolutely poisonous!

I have been working in Truth About Abs (on and off) and have learned a LOT about nutrition and how much I'm actually missing!

I think it was actually good that I got sick.  It made me change my ways about health and taking care of my body.

I am also working my way through Simpleology (a Mark Joyner best selling book and the core Courses.

Writing is going a bit slow at this time.  It comes in spurts, as I mentioned in my last thread.

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suem Premium
Yes I found out exactly the same way - it's a real shame that we have to go through this to see the truth but even more difficult is watching loved ones making the same mistakes and not listening.
Sielke Premium
I like this post simply because many people don't take the time to look at the training before asking questions, i understand this because sometimes its hard to know what youre looking for however even after being guided in the right direction they just want answers, good on you for taking the initiative and getting yourself educated as much as you can
mhamilt Premium
"I think it was actually good that I got sick. It made me change my ways about health and taking care of my body." Incredible attitude you've got there! I'm sure your body will thank you for it :-) Mark.