Watch This Video...You'll Appreciate WA More!

Last Update: May 09, 2011

There's a bit of discussion going on here in the Membership about Mike Filsaime. I've been in some of his programs and they are not designed for success! In fact for this reason programs like this are actually designed to string you along and they're total rubbish for the average folk!

I've seen Stompernet come out of the ground about three years ago. This video about it will shock you!

Stompernet is one of WA's competitors but as you will see...there's a huge difference between these two memberships...have a look!

In spite of the fact that these gurus offer promises of wealth to their followers, this is hardly the case as they never give you the whole story.

Watch this video for yourself and decide just how fortunate we are for having Wealthy Affiliate and the fact that neither Kyle and Carson nor any of the top performing members fit in the flashy guru scene by any means!

I'm supposed to be resting up right now because I've over-extended myself in my work and think it therapeutic to come to my blog and put up a couple posts...enjoy! Part of "Doctor's orders" is to go outside and get away from my work for the day. I'm about to do just that and remove a roof for rebuilding.

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A little bit here and then I've got to get busy on my project...I ran into Stompernet through someone known as Ross Goldberg. At the time I met him he was just starting out. He had evidently done some marketing and then went into a coma. When he recovered ten days later, he was shocked that his tiny effort had netted him thousands of dollars. The rest is history for him and this Jewish man (for this I had a lot of respect) and the owners to Stompernet started that scumbag outfit. I remember when it was happening and I almost got sucked into it. The one thing that saved me here...Just like today, I have the inclination to talk about my personal issues. At first Goldberg was very accommodating but suddenly, one day, being involved in a project with him, he suddenly "slammed the door" in my face and told me to get lost. It really hurt. It's a problem I have and this has destroyed things like this before they could finish. In this case, it was best. I was thrown "out of the camp." About two years later I would join Wealthy Affiliate and be able to distinguish what a real training program is! Did you know they have "office hours on that membership?" I consider myself very blessed Goldberg kicked me out! Now that time has passed, I'm convinced!
jatdebeaune Premium
It's good that these people are being exposed. Glad you brought this to the attention of the WA community. I think all the scums need to be flushed out and exposed. So tired of phonies. Thanks for posting this Daniel.
canuck Premium
That's some serious stuff right there! I actually have the original first StopmerNet DVD and magazine... but as soon as I received those I canceled my account because there was NOTHING new. Same old rehashed stuff... only in a magazine instead of PDF... Anyways, I am curious to see where this goes ;)
Labman_1 Premium
I guess now we know who Mike Filsame is. Too bad there are bad apples like that out there. They give the rest of us a bad name too.
robert2704 Premium
Great post. Need to see more of this around here. Folks need to know more on who's who in the IM game. Hope ya took that rest the doc ordered.