Wow! Having the Flu is NO Excuse!

Last Update: April 04, 2011

Sure we have all gotten up one morning and felt the tell-tales signs of a cold or flu coming on!  It's like, Oh no!

Not much can be done but to let this run its course...and do what you can to minimize the effects...

One of those is getting rest and letting your body heal itself and battle the bug.

Get Rest!

OK, that sounds reasonable...but to many of us who are working's a downright luxury!  We live our lives on our employer's terms...and this includes being sick.

Most employers will allow time off for such occurrences, but even so, there is a grave limit as to how many days you can take off for something like this.  One day, two days, at the most, for some of us.

There are a few of us who have jobs under which we are protected by labor unions...and many times these jobs are more lenient for people who come down with illnesses of the common cold-type.

Doing what I'm supposed in sick.

Wow!  What a bashing I got!  How dare I call not long before I'm supposed to report for work (the body doesn't always give fore warnings when it is about to come down with influenza or the common cold!)  I won't say anymore about my job situation because you've heard all about it already...but...

Do You Want to Live Your Own Life On Your Own Terms???

I do!  I think this is why most of us are here!  Take control of your life and don't let your employer force you to live life on its terms!  This is easier said than done, but for those of us who are not as active in this membership as we should be, remember that this is the key taking your life away from your boss...and giving it back to yourself!

Get busy folks!  I'm saying that to myself too!

Looks like I'm throwing myself together again because being sick is not an excuse to get out there and help make my employer rich!

And getting bedrest and keeping quiet for someone who is down with the flu is for those who are independent enough to do so. As for many of us who are not so independent, we get to do things which cause our cold to linger longer inside of us.  All bedrest MUST be done on our own time...not our employer's

Short and sweet!   Wanted to say something about this, but in just a few words...  Have a great day!

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I have a new job possibility which has just arisen today. I might lose a bit more of my time and be paid minimum wage, but it would get rid of this negativity! Yet another thing I've leveraged off my current job...the latest Power3Marketing! It's an awesome training site! It goes well hand-in-hand with WA.. It's all about local marketing. I'm in the Elite Members Area. Working in the Gold content now...recommended so. Over my dead body am I going to live out the rest of my life like this! No Way! I WILL break out of my cell! My current boss will know what he's missing when I've left there. It's hard to find reliable people who will do the work and be on time. etc. He takes my loyalty for granted...not much longer! It's part of my goal and I've got my eye ever on it!
burntout Premium
The beatings will continue untill performance improves? Makes sense to me. Hang in there and get well soon.
That wasn't all of it. When I wrote the post, it was just the beginning of the day. I'm the only employee there. His wife works there with him but I don't think she counts as an "employee." Well, I got there and it was rapidly clouding up. Another of his rules is...rain or not...I clean cars. It has to be torrential before I get to sit inside and wait it out. Well...great thing for colds! I get soaked trying to get two cars clean before the squall-line arrived. Of course, when it did come in all its threatening-look and lightening, I was still cleaning the second car - which was needed immediately. Before I could finish it, the torrents came...and I got soaked. Then...I was able to sit inside and wait...but now I was cold in the air-conditioning. When the rain slowed down, I was back out there at another car and a truck. Well, that's two hours into my day on the job. The rain had come down to a sprinkle...but I had to check the air pressure in a truck...which was parked very close to the building...and got a fresh soaking from the water coming off the roof. It began to rain again and my boss sent me home to ride through it. I got home and immediately got out of the soaked clothing I had on. I put my heat on and laid down. It's not nice. The guy is "raping" me for all I'm worth...but my goal is still ahead and I've got my eyes on it. It's going to be the subject of my next post... As for the cold, well, I've got it now. I was hoping to have a day off so I could get on top of it...but the one thing occurred which I did not resistance getting down. Oh well! That's the life of a working man. Over my dead body will this remain as it is! I'm leveraging off this situation the best I can...
jatdebeaune Premium
Wise employer would make you stay home and not infect others. Penny wise and dollar foolish, not to mention unkind.
Meadow Breeze Premium
Absolutely! You need some rest & a chance for this mess to run it's course. Your boss should be glad you are not spreading the bug to other employees and making matters worse. I hope you are feeling better soon and even more so seeing greater success at what we are out to achieve.