About DavidSchmidt
Joined June 2009
Hello everyone,

I work for a debt management firm in Los Angeles and have an awesome time trying to do that job and Internet Marketing. Below you can check out a few sites I worked hard to make since joining WA. I am originally from California and have the best daughter (in the pic with me) who tries to spend money like you would not believe. Being a single dad is allowing me the chance to spend a lot of time with her and build my business here using WA. I am very generous in nature is enjoying helping others succeed as well. My interests are in Affiliate Marketing and all aspects of Internet Marketing. Anyway, I am definitely looking forward to making some awesome new friends here! And it would be great to work with some cool people here. Please feel free to say hi anytime!
DavidSchmidt's Accomplishments

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novascottie Premium
Hi David.......I'm new here as well. Your site looks great! Did you use the tools in WA to build it? I hope my first one will be as good. I feel a bit intimidated at the moment but I'm sure as I learn my comfort level will rise....I hope! Good luck with WA.
novascottie Premium
Hi David.....isn't it true that we get caught up with making a living that we forget to live. Hopefully for many of us, WA and hard work on our part will allow us to live the way we want to.
DavidSchmidt Premium
Hi Scottie, The site I have on this page was built recently but before I joined here. I am on my 2nd week here and so far this place is a library of success tools. There is so much to learn but just read and take it one day at a time. Definitely get familiar to the 8 week course, the junior lessons in the training center. Anytime you need help stop by and let me know! Good luck!
DavidSchmidt Premium
You know I couldnt agree with you more. Work is neccessary for now but I count the minutes to get back here and get going.
DavidSchmidt Premium
Work to live I say, but this is for sure taking off and going to make life alot easier for most ;)
Eddiepires Premium
Hi David

I am Eduardo from the UK. I am also a weekend divorce dad. My Daughter & Son are my inspiration and my strength.
Your site seems very interesting.
I am still learning my way around so not much to add just yet.

All the best to you & your family.

DavidSchmidt Premium
Hi Eduardo! How is everything in the UK. Thank you for the compliment on my site. That is just one of many I am going to have out. But first learning everything I can; one day at at time. Good luck to you! Let me know if you need any help.
enterprise Premium
Hi David, Nice site I am new to WA and new to this business. My background is in construction but I thought I would try this out and see If I can make it work. I have 2 daughters and they grow up fast. I will talk to you later.
DavidSchmidt Premium
Hi, nice to meet you as well. Thank you for the compliment on the site. As you are, I am new to the site as well. Actually going on my 3rd week and learning more and more each day. You will love it here.
Louise M. Premium
Hello David !

I'm a new member already enjoying the great forum with your useful posts (!) and tools we have the chance to have access to. Just wanted to say hi and that I find it great for you that your daughter can be your strengh in this adventure.

I hope to see you around soon !
Wish you the best,

DavidSchmidt Premium
Hi Louise, Great hearing from you! I am glad you like the tools I posted; they sure help a lot! Also, anytime you need help or have questions send me an email here and I will be happy to help. Talk to you soon!
funjob Premium
Hi There,
You have some good sites listed and good luck with this project.
DavidSchmidt Premium
Well thank you. I really appreciate hearing that! The blogs are ok, but with the new info I got here I am going to redo them.
DavidSchmidt Premium
Thank you! From here its onward and upward. Good luck to you too.