Posts by Deezdz 18
August 09, 2012
My sister and I are heading off for a well deserved 2 week vacation the day after tomorrow.I'm super excited as she's my favourite travel partner! ...sshhh...don't tell my man I said that ;) 1 week in Rhode Island and a 1 week cruise to Bermuda.If anyone has travelled to these places and would like to share any points of interest, I'd love to hear about them.Hope you all have a great couple of weeks and talk to you soon.Dee
Hello...Happy Friday Everyone! =)The pics/images I use for all my websites are stored on my computer.I'm searching for an online storage solution which is reliable and preferably free.I'm curious to know what WA members are using for image storage and the pro's/con's of storing images online?Thanks Denise
Hi there and hope everyone's well!Can someone please send me a Pinterest invite?I tried logging in with my FB account (which someone suggested) and it's not working for me. I also requested through Pinterest and I'm still waiting.Thank you!Denise“I’ve been blessed to find people who are smarter than I am, and they help me to execute the vision I have.” ~ Russell Simmons
Hi there,One of my Squidoo lenses (which I have not updated in several months) was ranked #3 spot on Googles first page for the keyword phrase "herbs for infertility"....until yesterday. It's been getting some nice traffic and I've made some sales so I figured to keep the momentum going, I will update it. Big mistake? Now I've been dropped to the bottom of page 1!My question is why would I lose rank when I've updated a site? Has anyone else experienced this?http://www.squidoo
Hi there :)I'm at the point where I'd like to build an authority site that really incorporates my interests and creativeness. I'm trying to decide where to host it. I have an unlimited pre-paid account at JustHost for the next 3 years and all my sites are hosted there. My question today is what are the pro's/con's of hosting here at WA? For simplicity sake, I've always thought keeping all my hosting in one place was smart. Just curious what others members are doing...
Hello Everyone,I've been missing in action for a few weeks now as I've been dealing with an illness within the family and other personal matters.Seeing how precious life is and how things can change in a heartbeat has given me some time to reflect on my life. Time to think about what is important to me and how I can live my life doing the things that make me happy and feed my soul. I want to come back to WA with a fresh perspective on internet marketing and making a living on line. I&
Hi everyone,On my sites, I've created the main pages which show up in the menu. Main Page, Blog, Contact Me, Privacy etc. All the rest of my content I've categorised as posts under my blog page. With all the discussions about authority sites with 100+ pages it has me questioning if I'm doing this right....I hope this isn't a silly question but are there any steadfast rules as to whether I should include an article on my site as a page or a post? Thanks ~ dee"The greatest thin
I spend all my SEO efforts trying to get indexed in Google. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I read that Google accounts for about 66% of the overall traffic on-line. (If my memory serves me correctly, it was PPG that blogged about this) Leaving a third of your traffic unattended doesn't sound smart to me.Has anyone here actively focused their efforts on getting indexed and ranked in Yahoo/Bing? If so, were your efforts worthwhile?Thanks for reading and sharing.Denise
Hi Everyone!I have never put an affiliate disclaimer on any of my sites whether I am promoting a CB eBook or a physical product. I'd be curious to know if you do.....I realize in the US, the FTC came down hard on many affiliates and now I see disclaimers everywhere.I'm Canadian... do I need to include disclaimers on my affiliate sites?Dee"The first requisite of success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem without growing weary."~ Thomas Edison
Today I received an email asking me if I was tired of writing articles. The email was informing me of a sale where I can purchase PLR articles for 1 dollar. I'm not going to lie.. I would love to pay $1 per article and cut down on my article writing!Here at WA we are constantly reminded that unique, quality content is SO important.Is anyone here is using PLR, and if so, what are you using it for?Dee"Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." Joh