QOTD - Pinterest Invite Please

Last Update: July 24, 2012
Hi there and hope everyone's well!

Can someone please send me a Pinterest invite?

I tried logging in with my FB account (which someone suggested) and it's not working for me. I also requested through Pinterest and I'm still waiting.

Thank you!

“I’ve been blessed to find people who are smarter than I am, and they help me to execute the vision I have.” ~ Russell Simmons
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Shawn Martin Premium
If you need any tips on using Pinterest, there is training here for it. I use it every day and it is priceless for social traffic.
Deezdz Premium
Thank you Shawn. =)
Deezdz Premium
If there are any members who would like a Pinterest account, I'd be happy to "pay it forward" and email you an invite...just PM me =)
georgejhaas Premium
Hi, I would be glad. Please send me your email address. If you do not want to share it with WA, you can send it to my email: jghaas.062505@sbcglobal.net.
Deezdz Premium
Good news, I'm already signed up via Stacy and it was quick and painless ;)
Now I need to find the time to start pinning.
Thank you for your offer to help...much appreciated!
Stacydee Premium
PM me your email address and I will do it for you.
Deezdz Premium
Thank you Stacy...will do!!!!! =)
Robbsteam Premium
my email address is engineeringdefense@verizon.net