Speedy Article Writing

Last Update: January 27, 2012

Hi there...

This past week I've increased my article writing by about 33%!   In doing so, I've posted a few more articles to the directories.

  • I take the keyword I want to use, go to google under videos and type it in. 
  • I then search for videos that have valuable information and once I find one, open my notepad.
  • As I'm listening, I type shorthand notes into my notepad.
  • When the videos finished, I start assemblying all the point-forms into my own words and style!

This has really helped me speed up my article writing so I'm hoping it might help others also.

Have a fabulous day!


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mmorales Premium
Way to think outside the box! Thanks for sharing.
Deezdz Premium
No problem...thanks for dropping by!
Hussien Premium
nice tips :) I'm very impressed on how fast you've progressed and how much you've grown with I.M in the past couple of months :)

Personally, I get them articles outsourced for my other niche sites. I actually write only for one or two sites and not that often anymore lol
Deezdz Premium
Hiya neighbour and thanks Hussien!! When I start bringing in a little income on my own I will definately be outsourcing also. If I had a few successful niches on the go, ( no! ...let me rephrase that..).WHEN I have a few successful niches on the go - I don't think I'll be able to keep up with the article writing
morlandroger Premium
Nice idea, will give it a try myself. Use several sources. Once heard a quote "copying one resource is plagiarism, copying several is research" :-)
Deezdz Premium
good one....lol
Thanks for posting this, Dee... just to see the flow helps me! Will have my website by Feb 1 and try for my first article by Feb 8. You make it sound so logical and do-able!!! Sherry M
Deezdz Premium
I'm working on breaking up my larger tasks into manageable little bite sizes so my "to do lists" don't overwhelm me. Good luck with your site and articles!
Moonshadow Premium
great idea ... thanks
Deezdz Premium
You're welcome moonshadow. It's probably not a "new" idea but I'm learning as I go...lol