About Delbennu
Joined April 2009
Hello all, Just like you I have much to Accomplish and only hope I can achieve them through Hard work and Effort. God Bless!!!
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Curtisnh Premium
Welcome to WA and cute little girl. Curtis
eaptcb3577 Premium
Welcome to WA! You have a beautiful little girl. Trick is stay focused on one thing at a time, too much can be overwhelming. Start the 8 week action plan asap. Take it slow, you've waited this long, right? Always check the forums first if you need help, wealth of information there! Good luck to you!
Delbennu Premium
Day Two, Been Busy Reading the Learning material. Its a lot to absorb at onece. Still have yet to make a sale, as of yet. Like everyone else, have a few ideas but no way to market them. "Sigh", one step at a time. Keep the Faith.
Delbennu Premium
where is the add ware account found in Video two. Trying to follow along on each video
Delbennu Premium
Someone tell me what the heck is WA 2.0. I'm trying to follow along in the videos and its like why are you trying to teach us something if we arn't on the same page
MrAlaska Premium
Id say you can, Welcome to WA!
Delbennu Premium
Your Lucky to be in Alaska. Saw a good show about Gold Prospectors up north making a killing panning Gold.
bobitize Premium
Welcome to WA!!!!! Make sure to take advatnage of the 8-Week Program, Learning Center, Forums, and the Share Zone
bobitize Premium
well you've got lots of choices at Clickbank with lots of niches. It is probably a good idea to try them first. Some of the products on Clickbank are crap and shady; however, some members here have products like
Travis: Magic of Making Up
PotPieGirl: One Week Marketing
You can be an affiliate for all kinds of things from GPS systems to Weight Loss
I found Ghost's site: http://www.trafficdynasty.com to be really helpful on Landing Pages and Squeeze Pages
It's free by the way and the videos are excellent!
Keep this one in mind when you are finished with WA's lessons
bobitize Premium
Yeah I'm sorry I should clear that up. Clickbank is free to sign up, then you can sell any product they have listed.
Did that answer your question?
bobitize Premium
If you have a corporation (has some tax benefits plus if you are going to sell something yourself i would suggest that you get a Employer Tax Identification Number) yourself you can select that option, but if you don't choose a sole proprietorship and thats what i did. Since you,WA, and Clickbank are separate entities. If you don't have an EIN "Employer Information Number" you need to use your social. If you make over a certain amount selling they report you to the IRS (This is not a bad thing it's just because you will be making money and you know Uncle Sam or Uncle of another country wants you to pay taxes). I hope this makes sense
bobitize Premium
"if you are going to sell something yourself i would suggest that you get a Employer Tax Identification Number"
scratch this from the post
bobitize Premium
Most importantly, follow your 8-week action plan and take it slow.
bobitize Premium
there is a ton of information on here :), also in the learning center there should be a lesson that takes you step by step on how to set up a Clickbank account
bobitize Premium
sorry bout that i guess i went overboard lol :)
Delbennu Premium
Thanks. All the best to you. Any Ideas yet on what is best to sell?
Delbennu Premium
So if we need to start and pay for click bank. why start here at WA? :)
Delbennu Premium
Sorry about the wait, I was reading the Contract LOL. "Sigh" So much to learn and so little time to learn it in :)
Delbennu Premium
Say you know what to put for your ein? are we a LLC or incorpR?
Delbennu Premium
I only ask because clickbank ask for a ein. Didnt know what to put down.