Have become overwhelmed....

Last Update: June 12, 2012
I have been at this for nearly seven months now, and have actually only made less than $100. I began with one site, because I was told that you should only concentrate on one. Well that site never picked up so I started a "Niche Q" site and at the time, the WA BLOG & FUNNEL. My Niche Q site began to pick up some traffic on a page that really should have been a completely different site altogether so I started a site based on that keyword with that keyword as the URL... My Blog and Funnel site never picked up, and is all over the place in content...its a mess i think? I made some cash off of the Niche Q site ($79 in may, and there is still some cash at clickbank, but not enough for them to cut a check to me yet), but it never carried over to the new site, but that site gets over 20 visitors a day, yet not making cash yet. I am confused. I really delved back into what can be learned at WA such as the WAbinars etc. I didn't miss a WAbinar for weeks and weeks, and just started soaking them all up. Have seen a few more than once even. You would think I knew what I was doing! I have since made another couple sites. An ecommerce site, and than a site that I thought I could do things on such as the earforcex41 site that Jay made. I can't AFFORD to make a .com site for every item that I am able to offer from best buy ( I CAN't USE AMAZON GOD DAMIT because I am In Illinois, usa) so i had to make a general site to offer those items. Kyle and Carson told me to concentrate on one site and get that site cooking so to speak and than worry about my other two sites (at the time) at a later time. I am sure that was solid advice, but what i really needed was advice on which of the three sites to concentrate on. Well here is my perdicament. I have now got 7 sites and I am at the point where you throw your hands up and say "CAN I EVEN DO THIS?" "SHOULD I GIVE UP?" etc....I am disabled and home bound, and in that respect, I MUST SUCCEED. I can't survive off of disability income any longer, so this is impairative to 'get it'. I am stuck between a rock and a hard place and need some advice. Any help would be greatly appreciated, since I only have until december before I have to decide to just quit - and I almost feel that depressed enough to do now, but I have invested a few thousand dollars in ths already (my property tax money which I need now and don't have because of this...panic time) and I actually enjoy it immensly, but if I am not succeeding, than what is the point. Please please someone help me decide where I should begin again, which site I should concentrate on or what. I was up all nite in tears over this wall i have hit....


(why aren't those links...hope they end up being links for people to easily check out my sites...)

I appreciate any help given to me and thank you kindly in advance for the time you will spend helping me. Thank you


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Shawn Martin Premium
I would get together with Kyle or jay or Carson and have them give you some advice on which site to work on, then start running your site by some members here who are making money who can give you some ideas to try. This is where I am now and it is working. Keep the faith!
Hani Premium
Denise, don't give up! I can sense that you DEFINITELY have the skills and willpower to make this happen. it sounds to me like you're in that spot right before 'getting it' and making this work for you. I'll try to have a look later on at all of your sites listed, but I'm sure it would be better for Carson or Kyle to let you know which one to work on til it starts taking off. They have so much experience. But like i say, keep on keeping on. You can DO this!
I believe you have to include www for it to be considered a link. Im not totally sure but I think so
Hi am shanna26 mother of two from jamaica
Hi am shanna, am 26 mother of two from jamaica!!