6 months and I am about to lose my CJ account...

Last Update: May 15, 2012
I need some help here. I do not know what I need to do with my first site that is actually the only thing that I even USE commission junction on...whoops. i have it on one more site, but that hasn't gotten any bites either.

Anyway, i just got a warning letter from Commission Junction stating that since my account more or less not made any sales, that they are going to deactivate it. Has anyone ever had this happen? I am sure I am not the only fail IM when it comes to just starting out, and trust me, I am not happy that I have not made any sales. What does that tell about me as a marketer?

I have all the time in the world to devote to the site, but don't even know where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions? Could you please take a look at my site and give me some advice? It's a mess if I am failing. and I am


Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,

Denise (denisara on WA)

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josephthl Premium
Hi Denise, I just had a quick look at your site and agree with what was said by others for the most part. I would add a couple of things however:

By far my highest converting content is content that seems as unbiased as possible. My tone is always that of a "skeptical reviewer" that must be convinced that a product is effective. For products like this I would say in the introduction that it is a hyped up product that boasts great results (which is true), but that you as the reviewer wanted to take a closer look to determine whether it ACTUALLY works. In an ideal world you would actually test the product yourself. Otherwise, point out that you've done extensive research and are presenting your findings. Either way, try to make your review personal (use "I") and unbiased as possible.

Second, try to use subheadings wherever possible. Rather than just have a series of paragraphs, try to break your article up into mini sections. For product reviews, I find a Pros and Cons section (with bullets) to be particularly effective.

At the very end of the article (and this is important) you should have a big Call-To-Action link telling people to buy the product. Put it in red and make it bold. Make it say something like: CLICK HERE To Try This Program For $4.95

I had a quick look and saw that there was a 21-day trial for $4.95 offered by the seller. You should mention all this information before your Call-To-Action to convince people to buy it. Still remain unbiased, but mention that there's this limited time deal if they want to try the product.

Anyways, just a few points. Take what you want from what I've mentioned. I will be releasing a training resource soon on writing product reviews if you're looking for more information on this.

Denisara Premium
thank you joseph. I will be working on that, page by page.
Don't worry about your CJ account I was deactivated too, and they reactivated me after I called them just that easy like they said, as for your site I am having the same problem not making any money not getting much traffic. I was told to make my website people friendly. I was also told to look at to webinar #l Hot Seat Sept 30,2011 and #2 Usability Hot Seat Feb 25, 2012. take a look at those and see if they help.
Denisara Premium
thanks Niece357!! I actually was in both of those wabinars. good time to refresh the brain pan!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Denise, no such thing as failing. All you have to do is tweak your site. I agree with Jon, you do need some visuals to pull your readers in. A picture is worth a thousand words. Also, I think you need some "action" color, such as red. That'll get them excited. Not a lot though. And it's a good idea to publish less content on the home page, but the kind of content that helps readers to see how much better they will be with good abs and how the product will help them to get good abs. You can put articles on other pages. That'll be good because then you will be able to link back to those pages from SA or Ezine or within your site itself.

Think of your home page as your store window. The window has to grab you. If it speaks to you, you'll go inside the store.

Don't worry about CJ. If you buy just one thing from your own link within 6 month period, you won't be disconnected. Or, all you have to do is call them if they disconnect you, and they will reinstate you. You'll have to qualify again with your affiliates. That's no big deal. It is a nuisance.
Denisara Premium
yea i know it is in need of tweeking . and tweek it will get .
thanks for the picture/red color suggestions. I was always under the impression that to pictures slowed your site down and that the color red was a turn off not so much as a grabber.

appreciate your help
jatdebeaune Premium
You do need some pictures. They don't slow my sites down at all. It depends on how you use red. If it's used as punctuation, it gives energy and liveliness to your home page, especially when talking about physical things. If you use red like you are screaming at
someone, then it's a turn off.
jchilders Premium
I've had various accounts shutdown due to inactivity...not really a big deal. You aren't BANNED...just not active. The only hassle is having to go through the process to get it re-activated again..or activating a new account if you are worried about the deactivation reflecting badly.

Just took a VERY quick look at your site and the first thing that stood out was the lack of pictures. Most if not all of your pages had a picture at the top of the article (good), but below that there was nothing but 'boring' text.

Your site is about abs and working out/fitness right? Find some pictures of people working out and sprinkle some about, or a video of someone using a technique from the guide you are selling. Get people excited to buy your guide and try them out. When I read a lot of text, it just makes me sleepy. :)

Denisara Premium
this was my first site, and it is so obvious....starting with the name...
it gets 25+ visitors a day, so its worth fixing...tweek time. lots of redirects i would imagine. thanks Jon