How To Build The Best Sales Page For Affiliate Marketing

Last Update: January 05, 2010
Recently I answered some questions in a marketing  forum with regards to building a great sales page.

I have re-posted the response in my blog:

1. Where is the best place to put the Opt-In box? I heard that the upper right side was best because that is where the visitor’s eyes eventually go.

You are 100% correct, top right is the place to be!

2. What colors are most sales-friendly?

It used to be … lots of white space with a headline in red (#CC0000 is the color code) navy blue is coming into fashion now too.

Keep in mind this is for the your standard IM sales page.

Also, black text at 14px works fine for your copy.

3. Type vs. graphics—what’s the best ratio?

There really isn’t one that I have come across, although any graphics you have should add to the sales of your product.

Lots of white space is key for standard sales pages.. try to keep distractions down to a minimum.

4. Bullet points or short paragraphs—which is better?


People scan when they read.

Did you ever see those videos of people scanning my pages on the IM call? Remember how quickly people went through them? FAST!

5. Where is the best place to position banners and affiliate ads?

Banners are dead for the most part. People simply are “ad blind” and… to top it off, a lot of people use
ad block so they don’t even see them.

With adsense, here is an example of a blog page that has its ads optimized by google (this blog gets so much traffic and adsense clicks, a google account manager has advised where to put these ads) Keep in mind… this account manager and google have seen the effects of this placement over BILLIONS of page views.

Apparently, when this configuration was implemented, it doubled the adsense click (not sure what was there before)

I added the yellow blocks to show where the ads are… also this website just sold for $80,000.00 on flippa.


With affiliate links, it’s best to place them in articles within the first two to three lines under the title, and in the last sentence.

6. How long should my pages be? How much info? Can I have too much?

It depends on what you are doing of course… pages shouldn’t have more than 300 or so words.

People don’t really read them.

That being said, IM sales pages are long…. very long… but I have seen no advantage to a 3000 word page over a 500 word page.

This is me talking from experience. Maybe someone can add to this.

7. Most of all, where can I go to see examples of websites that sell?

Ahhh… I love this question!

Remember it’s the offer not the page, but that being said I know it helps to see examples:

IM sales page


<!-- m -->

<!-- m -->—> It works !

A while back Ewin Chai (I think that’s his name) sent a video out that told people how to build a IM sales page.

In the video he told people what to put in what places etc…

I duplicated it (the layout) and give it away:

<!-- m --> page/

<!-- m -->

Here is the best example I can give you though…

CPA offers!!!!

CPA’s make money by getting people to give them their info.

They cross test millions upon millions of page visits and tweek their sites to get the best conversions.

Here are some examples of solid CPA pages:

As you can see, they are all pretty much the same design.


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