Which Is Better For New Marketers, Article/Bum Marketing or PPC?

Last Update: January 13, 2010

Visit My Blog: http://www.andrewdesilets.com

To someone relatively new to Internet Marketing, I would suggest the article marketing route.

Why's that?

The risks of losing your money with PPC are very high as a new marketer.

As a new marketer you may not have the experience yet in the following:

1. Understanding the niche that you are promoting to.
2. Understanding what keywords to use to drive focused traffic to your offer.
3. What to bid on your keywords.
4. Understanding how to pick a good merchant/product that has high potential to convert vs a low converting product offer.
5. How to write a compelling PPC ad to increase clickthrough
6. How to optimize your own landing page to get a decent quality score.
7. How To ensure your page copy delivers on your ad promise
8. How to design your landing page to not only accomplish the above and send clicks to the merchant, but look good and build trust.
9. How to maximize your return on investment (ad spend for traffic) with the use of opt ins and email followups
10. When to know to pull the plug on an under PPC performing campaign.

The more inexperienced on any of the above listed points, the more your risk of wasting your money is..
The tighter you are, the greater your chances of success.

That being said... even people who know what they are doing have flops, more often then they would admit I am sure.

The benefit of article marketing over PPC is time.

If you are sending traffic to a poorly converting offer, you are not being charged for every click.

You have the time to go back, adjust, test, tweek... all those things day after day... until things start working.... and you are not bleeding as you go along as you would if you were doing PPC.

So there you go, I am sure there lots of things others can add and elaborate on, but I think that is a good overview as to why I think SEO is better for new marketers than PPC.


Visit My Blog: http://www.andrewdesilets.com 

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jeffrey73 Premium
I agree 1000%! I also agree that WPRT are the "cleanest" looking themes, and make it easy to build a great looking website with WordPress!