Posts by Dna88 3
August 06, 2010
Hi everyone, Todays going to be my last day before I cancel my membership, I had to say goodbye to all my buddies and wish you guys and girls all the success in the world. Im going on this internet marketing adventure on my own for abit, You know what  I'll be back (lol felt like Arnie when I wrote that) and with some good news (not a car) its just a case of the right consistent action .. I think one of the probs I had was I kept gettin distracted with other lessons and did not produce as
This morning I woke up to the birds tweeting and sunlight in my eyes.. Its a beautiful day I sung to myself trying to replicate U2's single. (my voice+U2 song = all the dogs in the neighbourhood howling its not the best) Anyway I slowly got out my bed to check my mail and to my surprise I had a package but from who? I don't remember ordering anything and it isn't my birthday... So who could could it be.. Well it turns out it was from ezinearticles.. They sent me a mouse mat, notepad,pen, a lit
Heres a lesson I've learnt of late that I would like to share with you... The other day I was on the phone to my friend and he asked me about my plans for the rest of the year and I decided to share with him my journey so far in the world of internet marketing regarding the progress I had made, what I've learnt and what I want to achieve, you know  all that good stuff... After my enthuisiastic outburst he asked me if I had made any money yet... i replied "nope not yet" .... Then h