What are you offering your customers

Last Update: June 28, 2010

This morning I woke up to the birds tweeting and sunlight in my eyes.. Its a beautiful day I sung to myself trying to replicate U2's single. (my voice+U2 song = all the dogs in the neighbourhood howling its not the best)

Anyway I slowly got out my bed to check my mail and to my surprise I had a package but from who? I don't remember ordering anything and it isn't my birthday... So who could could it be..

Well it turns out it was from ezinearticles.. They sent me a mouse mat, notepad,pen, a little fridge sticker and nice note saying they wanted to reward me for being a valued platinum member and to continue providing articles to their directory.. 

Wow that was nice of them they didn't have to because I already thought they offered a good service but they did and it definitely makes a difference. Kinda  like WA and their free hosting, wordpress express and of course all the help from the community..

You see, I know we're all internet marketers and we trade our research for $  but what happens when you give that little bit extra.. when you make a site or write an article with the person looking for an answer to their problem in mind and actually try to help them resolve the problem and not to grab the quick buck.. 

It shows in your work and I guess its a case of being selfless in order to gain more.. For me anyways I will be using WA and ezinearticles for as long as I can, why? because they give me as a customer that little bit more quality and I feel like I always get my money and the time spents (in ezinearticles case) worth  






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iFaith Premium
Hi David - LOL about your duet with the dogs! Super congratz for getting noticed by EZA - not many get to have this honor! Yes, offering more plus quality and honesty gets rewarded period!
jatdebeaune Premium
Yes David, It makes all the difference. Doesn't take much either. Little things matter. Thoughtfulness engenders loyalty. The reverse has the reverse effect.