First Ezine Article Published!

Last Update: December 02, 2009

I just checked the status of my Ezine article and found that it had been approved and viewed 3 times already. That's pretty cool. It's also been indexed.

I've been focusing so much on article writing that I INSTANTLY see how the article could have been improved. Otherwise I would leave a link to it here but I won't, because even though the article is not very old, it just seems really amateur now.

I admit I did have to change some things to get it approved and it coincides with the niche and lenses I built that many of you great WA'ers took the time to provide feedback on. So once again I will NOT post a link to my Ezine article. Sorry


Hint: The highlighted blue words are the links;-) 

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Supafly Premium
Since you decided not to leave a link, I cannot comment on your article. Besides, I have no idea what diapercakes are anyway so I don't think I would be much help. Glad you're making progress, though.
Skybound Premium
So that's what YOU've been up to! Well done. Articles are my next stop...
zengoalie Premium
Well, ConGraTuLaTions, Dr. R!!! That is awesome! I've read a few of your posts here and there and you are a good writer. I like your style! Thanks for commenting on my blog. You are right. Knowledge *is* Power and every day I am gaining more and more knowledge. I've only been here on WA for a few days now and I've learned so much and met some very incredible people, including you! Happy Thanksgiving! :)
DrMarie Premium
I am so very proud for you! Give yourself a pat on the back, Doc! And I will give you gold. Keep up the good work, buddy!
idm Premium
Hahah, nice.