A New Goal Achieved!

Last Update: June 29, 2012
Hello everyone! I thought it was time to write my first blog post here on WA.

I've read many of yours and have learned a lot. Today, I want to share my excitement with another goal achieved.

First, I successfully got my website up and running. I still have a lot to do to make it fantastic, but it's alive and breathing and today is averaging 70-100 hits a day, which is a huge accomplishment in my book.

Then, I completed the 30 in 30 Challenge on SA. Having completed that, I didn't want to lose my momentum.

I created my own challenge: 30 Articles / Blog Posts about "How to Start a Vegetable Garden".


There is plenty more to share about gardening (it seems the topic is never ending!), but I'm excited to have another accomplishment under my belt.

In addition, I've challenged myself with a blog post a day on my website.

I do currently have my RSS feed going, which turned out to be much easier to set up than I thought once I got on the right path (two days wasted on this one :( ). But it's working and I'm happy :)

Next thing I need to work on is developing a subscriber list.

I would love advice on taking this website to the next level. It's not converting yet and would love suggestions on how to "sell" without being overly promotional in this niche.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to your comments!


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veronica.l Premium
Great accomplishments!! What an awesome start!! I would try to focus in on one niche say the gardening niche with home canning. I would then stick with that topic and connect with that audience. This will also help when you start building a list. Best of luck to you!!
econcepts Premium
Thanks for the feedback veronica.l. I want to take my money saving tips info and move it to a subdomain or another site and use econcepts just for gardening / canning. I just haven't had time to move everything around. Guess I better get on it :)
Renni Premium
Wonderful news, AJ! Congratulations! You're really on a roll and have inspired me.
econcepts Premium
Thanks, Ann Marie. You have inspired me with your recent writings as well. When it's time for me ebook, I'm coming to talk to you :)
Renni Premium
:) I'm blushing...
lemuel Premium
Hi AJ. Nice to hear that. Keep up the good work! :)
econcepts Premium
Thanks Lemuel!
Shawn Martin Premium
Awesome, AJ! good hits by the way, and congratts on finishing the garden challenge, I have truly enjoyed it and the wife is going to do it in the spring. :) Send me a link to your site, I have a couple questions for you on your RSS :) Also, you and I are at the point on the subscriber list, so sharing back and forth might be helpful? (Hint hint) I was going to tackle the RSS and list first thing next week, it is on my scedule. Keep up the good work!
Shawn Martin Premium
Just found your site link, duh, lol, will PM you
econcepts Premium
Shawn, RSS was much easier than I though, although there's very little information out there about it. Let me know where you are and what you might be struggling with and I'll see what I can do to help. Then, yes, let's keep communicating on this list building thing, I could use a list buddy :)
Carson Premium
econcepts Premium
Thank you for the feedback, Carson. I need to move my "saving money tips" information to a different site or a subdomain. My concern (any why I haven't done it yet) is since I have articles, etc already linking to their current locations, how to best identify all my links so I don't lose traffic. I've tried a few sites to identify "backlinks" but so far, none have found all the links that I have. Any suggestions on moving items and redirecting your links?