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Last Update: August 08, 2012
First I want to say I love my niche and believe that I am helping others by writing about my experience growing my garden and preserving it (if I ever get a big enough harvest!).

However, I am frustrated with the amount of hours I spend sharing quality, unique content for no monetary rewards.

I am not ready to give up on my niche. I do believe if I put enough fish in the barrel I will eventually receive a payout.

What I want to do next is learn about marketing related products. So, upon the advice of some very smart WA members, I am going to attack some of Jay's wonderful WAbinars to learn all I can about this topic. If you have any other trainings you would suggest on this topic, I would love to hear them!

Since my last blog, I created a free WordPress blog website and moved all of my "money saving tips" information there so I can dedicate eConcepts4u to my gardening, canning, and food storage niche.

This move was based on suggestions from you at WA and I think it was a fabulous suggestion. The website is much cleaner and nicer so thank you!

I welcome all advice and suggestions for my website. If you have a moment, please visit me and share your expert critiques.

Thanks to you all at WA for your support. When things seem discouraging, a quick visit to the WA community bring it all back on track. You're the best!

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Deezdz Premium
Hi there AJ.

I took a quick peek at your site... couldn't resist, I'm an avid gardener too! =)

The site looks great and there is plenty of useful/helpful information. However, I do agree with Beverley in regards to the colour scheme. The grey through me off. In my opinion, if you were to use greens and pops of "garden colour", it would make a great first impression.

Look'n good!!!

BIS Premium
I visited your site the other day and I liked it - you have done a lot of work and offer a lot of great advice. Here are some of my thoughts.

1. I think you have a major issue with the colour. When I first landed on the site - I thought it was something to do with technology and computers. Grey is not a colour that you naturally associate with gardening. This was even more striking because at the time I could see all your blogs but no pictures. If I had been a random visitor I probably wouldn't have clicked. The first thing visitors look at is images, then headings. Only 16% actually read word for word through posts. Some visitors will leave immediately if they don't know what the site is about.

2. I didn't look at every page of the site - but you have a lot of images that aren't linked to anything. Why not have them linked to specifc supplies with a suitable caption "Click here for ...." This will increase the possibility of CTR

3. Adverts in the right column. I would look at these. For instance you have the tractor supplies - I went to see what this is and it didn't seem the most obvious link. I would prefer to see your recommendations for special offers. There was also a large advert
for wieght loss - I think you can use the space better.
Hope this helps

Best wishes
