Posts by Eileiah 14
April 18, 2011
Is anyone else having trouble using the Rapid Writer?  I hit "create a new article", it asked for the title and then gave the option to save or cancel, so I saved and then it goes to a blank page with two tabs - Article Editor and Keyword Research.  When I go to the Keyword Research page it's as it should be, but the Article Editor page is totally blank - no where to start writing.  I don't know if it's my machine or not.  I'm going to post this on th
1 comment
March 28, 2011
I haven't blogged for a while because I've been busy fighting with Wordpress and just about every other thing I try and do on the computer!  God, if it were just a matter of learning the marketing I think I would do okay, but having to try and deal with all the computer stuff... I remember a long time ago someone - who was in charge of all the computers in a VERY large law firm where I worked, and having a VERY bad day - came up to me and said:  "So, you still
March 18, 2011
OMG I just found the coolest webpage testing site (quite by accident)!  May I say I didn't even know these existed - and this one is in the testing stages itself - but man is it good! I plugged in my website that I'm working on through the Success Club and up comes 11 pages of great feedback!  I got an Overall 6.9 for the site, but then it goes in to details: 5.6 (average) for Experience - How satisfying the website is likely to be for users; 1.7 (very poor) for Marketing - How we
March 17, 2011
Remember when you first started the Action Plan that they recommended when you signed up?  And remember the first or second page where they had you sending an e-mail to people with your affiliate code?  Well, like a lot of people (judging from the comments) I was a bit hesitant to fire off e-mails to everyone I know, but I did send one to about five people, that I thought would be interested. Well yesterday I had an interesting experience - I was chatting with my travel agent
March 13, 2011
So I'm truly "slogging" through ALL this information and trying to put it in to action.  When I say slogging, it really feels like I'm just wading through - up to my hips - a huge amount of info that needs to be learned. And the worst part is all the little glitches on this site when I try to do something - like not being able to log in to one of my sites I created (fortunately it's not the one I chose to do the Success Club with).  Yesterday I actually ha
March 09, 2011
Well I haven't blogged in a couple of days because I've been stuck on the content of the website/blog I created under the Success Club. The problem for me is being the middle man and the desire to really contribute to someone who has landed on my site, not just trying to sell them something.  I chose a niche and domain name, created the site, but then didn't know what to even put on my Home page! It wasn't until I got to Day 7 and, under the "Sign-up
March 06, 2011
I was e-mailing a friend and was talking about this course and I said "It's a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle, mentally, without a clear picture of your end product - trying to figure out how to put the pieces together to actually create income".  I decided it was so true that I would add it to my blog. I'm doing the Success Club and I'm on day 4 (I took yesterday off) where we're doing the KW searches.  I've already bought a domain and created a blog using the&
March 04, 2011
Thank you  wandah and jatdebeaune and all others for your great moral support; and thanks to Kyle for answering my question on the forum. I'm doing day 3 of the Success in 30 days and I've spent the last few hours TRYING to get a link to WA hidden in one of my pages on my blog/website.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to figure it out, despite reading/watching a few tutorials - it just keeps showing the code - so I put a question under Day 3 in the forum and went and took my dog for a walk
March 03, 2011
I tell you sometimes this site literally makes me feel ill. My latest demoralizing episode is reading the instruction to "install auto-tweet application".  They give a website link, which I followed, and there I found a box to fill out to subscribe to their newsletter.  So now I'm thinking how does that 'automatically push tweets from WordPress'.  So then I figure I'll just register on to the site - which I do and they send me an e-mail to activate - which
February 28, 2011
Well thanks to Pixote I'm one step closer to being able to read and understand all this stuff.  Pixote pointed me to a resource site right here on WA - WApedia it's a "repository of definitions specifically for Internet marketers". Love it.  Thanks all.