E-mail action

Last Update: March 17, 2011

Remember when you first started the Action Plan that they recommended when you signed up?  And remember the first or second page where they had you sending an e-mail to people with your affiliate code?  Well, like a lot of people (judging from the comments) I was a bit hesitant to fire off e-mails to everyone I know, but I did send one to about five people, that I thought would be interested.

Well yesterday I had an interesting experience - I was chatting with my travel agent and she asked what I was up to and I told her about the Internet Marketing and how I was so enjoying it, and she said "Oh send me the link - I've always been interested in that subject".   So after I got off the phone and composed the e-mail, I thought "hey, who knows who else in my address book might be interested".  So I went through and fired off an e-mail to just about 95% of my list - about 25 e-mails.

Now the next day, I just looked at my stats on the home page, and I've had 7 people click through to the WA site that I had linked to in my e-mail!  None of them have purchased (yet) but I still thought that was pretty good.

An additional plus in doing this was I got back 6 Delivery Notification Failures, so I was able to clean up my address book by deleting these out-of-date email addresses, lol.

All in all I think it was well worth doing.  E. 

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