I need help

Last Update: June 10, 2011

How exactly do I know if I'm ready for PPC?

This has been bothering me because I want to make the same money everyone on here does.
I've read so much already I and I have a good understanding about Internet Marketing. Article Marketing, Niches, Relevancy, etc. 

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Eimi Premium
thank you so much! :)
Devan Premium
I would say if you have the money to spend on PPC work through the accreditation course and find a mentor here at WA. It is the most efficient way to make money online. However, be very careful if you are planning to promote WA with PPC because Google is not fond of WA and has shut down some PPC accounts for promoting it. Better to start off with a different niche first I think. Most folks do not do PPC because they are afraid to lose money but if you have the money and don't mind being out of pocket for a while until you get the hang of things I would go for it. :)