niche maybe

Last Update: May 31, 2011

I've just finished the complete Sailor Moon anime series (all 200 episodes). I bought the series because I used to watch Sailor Moon when I was a kid, and yes, Sailor Moon was my hero lol.
I was thinking about making a Niche about Sailor Moon DVD's because I had to do alot of research to find decent (there are no good quality DVD's apparently) copies of the series.But I'm having a hard time finding the right keywords. Not "right" exactly, but the most relevant.

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Robg1 Premium
Also you what competition is there. You would do well to post this question in the forum. That is where you will get the best help. Rob
Robg1 Premium
Thats some good advice from gengem. But also very importantly you have to find out if their is a demand. Are their adequate searches for what you want to do? Are you planning to build a website and write articles to get traffic or are you wanting to build a site and get it ranked in Google for certain search terms?? It all starts with the key word research to see if their is adequate demand for certain phrases.
Eimi Premium
Thank you so much!
Google "sailor moon anime" (with and without the "") and look at the sites that come up on the first 3-5 pages. This should give you a wealth of ideas. Also try "anime blog". Now go to some articles directories and put ""sailor moon anime" into the search box. I'm sure that with some simple free research it won't take you long to find a micro-niche with people looking for the same info you've been searching for and the same problems so with your knowledge you could help them out and become a recognized expert in that niche.