- What is it?

Last Update: February 14, 2010

This will probably be the shortest blog I will ever write.  I have been called a "prolific writer", although I didn't ask if that was meant as a compliment of a suggestion to quit writing so much!

This hot little tip called came from a fellow internet marketer by the name of Debra Morrison.  It just kind of slipped in during a conversation we were having about everything else in life.  Those are usually the very best tips, so I immediately went to

That's all you need to type in your browser!  ping.fmIt doesn't cost anything, I don't earn anything by referring you (and you won't either), just a happy, happy little time-saving tip for you!

Once there, it is easy to see what a truly hot little tip this is for saving an incredible amount of time.  From this one site, you can send out your announcements to every social networking site you can think of (and more than a few I've never even heard of).  Once you are set up with as many or as few of the sites they ping to, it is as easy as typing in your message on the site, hitting the ping (send) button and you are done!

Give it a try and see how it works for you.  It took me a bit to get some of the sign-ups to some sites I chose to add to my list, but it is so worth it in the end.  If you already have accounts with Twitter, Facebook, Ning, etc., it's just a matter of a couple of clicks to set up your pings to them.



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Shorkie Premium
Hi Ellyn, Thank you for the tool. I have a new tool belt full of new tools and I'm not sure how to use any of them effectively. I am working hard to learn though! Thank you Ellyn. Al
sherwoodvt Premium
I am very far behind the curve on social networking and this sounds like something that will get me caught up fast! Thanks for sharing.
martynh Premium
I noticed the VP of a large inbound marketing company uses it. Skybound is right, its not the same as pingomatic. I used last year to update twitter, facebook, linkedin all at once and it was good, then i forgot to keep it going. Time to revisit
Skybound Premium
Thanks for this Ellyn. Looks like another tool to add to the arsenal. Altho martynh says he uses pingoamatic, I'm not sure that does what this does. as far as I can see is more like socialmarker - its focus is on notifying and updating social media sites rather than search engines.
martynh Premium
I use pingomatic which does a similar thing