Posts by Erictransue 5
How often do you take a step back and see how your online business is performing? Last night I posted this on my Facebook wall “It’s good to sometimes go through the products you pay monthly for and decide if you are a) still using them and b) getting what you are paying for. If the answer is no to either, then cancel. I just cancelled two services that are no longer helping me move towards my goals.” One was a monthly Social Bookmarking Service and the other was a monthly training service
“Stories are the most powerful delivery tool for information, more powerful and enduring than any other art form.” This is the line that I found at the end of my highlighter the other night as I sat in my not so comfortable home office chair reading the book Resonate by Nancy Duarte. This book was a recommendation from a marketing friend of mine. As I looked over to the cherry wood bookshelf to the left of my desk, I couldn’t help but notice all the great marketing books I have read over
August 05, 2011
It sucks when something doesn’t work. It sucks even more when you go a week before catching it. That’s exactly what happened to me this week. On my site I use Popup Domination.  Once per day a visitor is presented with a popup where they can optin for my Product Creation Report, which details the story of how I came up with and created my first product. I’ve been using Popup Domination for a while and it’s worked fine for me.  However, last week I ins
Hi Affiliates! It's been a while since I've created a blog post here. I've been hard at work on my product launch on Clickbank.  I can't wait to get the site up and running! Anyways, I've been experimenting with some new free software lately...and thought I'd share. The software is called Yourls, and it is a way for you to shorten urls using any domain name you own. When posting links on Facebook, Twitter or my blog I often use a service like allows me to create a short link
Last weekend I attended Frank Kern's List Control event in San Diego, CA.  I live in Long Beach, CA, so it was a short drive. I've seen quite a few Internet Marketing events over the years, but never had enough motivation to actually get off my ass and go to one. See, for the past several years I've been keeping my head down and plowing full steam ahead applying anything and everything I have learned about making money online. Some of it has worked, some of it hasn't.  But all of it ha