Test - Then Test Again

Last Update: August 05, 2011

It sucks when something doesn’t work.

It sucks even more when you go a week before catching it.

That’s exactly what happened to me this week.

On my site http://www.erictransue.com I use Popup Domination.  Once per day a visitor is presented with a popup where they can optin for my Product Creation Report, which details the story of how I came up with and created my first product.

I’ve been using Popup Domination for a while and it’s worked fine for me.  However, last week I installed the new beta version.

I set everything up.  Uploaded my ebook cover image.  And inserted my optin code.  I tested it out and everything worked great.

I did notice a misspelling though - so I went back in and corrected it.

Today while checking my stats I noticed that I hadn’t received any optins via that popup this week.

So I tested it out again.  Sure enough, it was taking the user submitted info, but not doing anything with it.  No optin.  No redirect to the report.  It just went back to my homepage and the info vanished into space!

I went back into the configuration of the plugin and sure enough the submit URL that is grabbed from my Aweber code was missing.  I never touched that, but I’m guessing when I re-saved it after correcting my misspelling it wasn’t repopulated.

Moral of the story.  Test.  Then test again.  I should have known to test again after making any changes - even though I didn’t touch the code.

I guess I’ll chalk this one up to a learning experience.

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erictransue Premium
Thanks Jamie! Definitely learned from this mistake. :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Testing, learning from the mistake, and then taking more action are all part of your learning experience. Proud of you for learning this life lesson and for keep moving forward.