Posts by EverGreenGirl 3
December 30, 2009
Time for a new blog post, as I feel that I have advanced light years over the past 1 1/2 weeks. Having my children home for the holidays has been great, and I do not look forward to them returning to school in a few days.  However, truth be told, I get much more done while they are in school. I think I have found a new love in IM, and that is copy writing! I have fallen in love with the idea of writing killer sales copy, both for my own websites and for other people. So, that's the new skil
December 24, 2009
I am loving article marketing. It rocks! Someday I will try my hand at PPC also, but not until I have done everything there is to do with article marketing. I just love the fact that you can get your articles out there working for you. They are making money for you while you sleep, eat, play, work, and even while you're writing more articles. It's fantabulous! (My daughter claims that this word has now been added to the dictionary. I don't know about that...But I love the sound of the word anywa
September 24, 2009
I like this new blog editor...much better than the old one. Look over to the right hand column. See "member rank?" What is this ranking based on? Activity, forum posts, # of sign-ins per week, or what? Yesterday I was ranked 363 and now today I am 1707...I haven't done much; maybe 1400 other WA members just jumped ahead.  Anyway, back to article titles. That's my blockade right now. How to title my articles. Back to the drawing board...
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