Article Marketing

Last Update: December 24, 2009

I am loving article marketing. It rocks! Someday I will try my hand at PPC also, but not until I have done everything there is to do with article marketing. I just love the fact that you can get your articles out there working for you. They are making money for you while you sleep, eat, play, work, and even while you're writing more articles. It's fantabulous! (My daughter claims that this word has now been added to the dictionary. I don't know about that...But I love the sound of the word anyway.

I was never a "writer" before I started article marketing, but I took the advice of other, well-seasoned article marketers.

Here's what I do:

Every day, usually at the same time of day and for a certain amount of time, I write. It doesn't matter whether or not I have anything particular to write about. It doesn't matter whether or not I want to write. Nothing matters except that I sit down at my computer and start. I just let ideas flow from my mind to my hands.

At first, all that came out was stuff about what happened that day, or some type of gibberish about my life. I have a file I keep all that type of writing in. However, I soon noticed that I found myself hungering to do research on my niche topics so that next time I sat down to write, I could let all that information flow from my mind to my hands. 

And that's where I get my articles from!

Try it and I hope it works for you too.

All the best to you in your article writing...

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