Making 4 sales without knowing them for 6 months

Last Update: June 15, 2010

I have been working hard on article marketing from Oct - Dec 2009. Three months of effort, I did not see any results, then I started to feel demotivated and become more and more skeptical. "Does IM actually work? Why is everybody making sales but not me?" I questioned myself.

After Christmas and New Year, I got lazy . Spring semester came and I started to be busy with my studies and eventually I just totally ignored my IM work.

Today (6 months later), I am doing an internship and I have nothing to do in the office. So I decided to check my clickbank account to see if I have gotten any sales. I'm still very skeptical. I thought if I could make a sale without doing any work the past 6 months, that would be a miracle.

When I signed in to my account... BOOM! I saw I have made 4 sales (Feb, March, May, June each). I have made a total of $97.62 without doing anything. I start to think... If I continued my effort last time, I could have made much more than that.

Thank god, I checked my click bank today. I have gained back the motivation. I want to start everything again. I know I can do better this time!

Now I believe the saying "everything is possible" .

I don't want to brag about it, I just want to share my excitement of making my first sale, oops it's first FOUR sales in the IM Kingdom.

Good luck to other WA folks, you too can do it!


-Felice @ working in the office -





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ana_nimoss Premium
What a nice surprise! Congratulations.
Lee P. Premium
I love to hear comments like that! That's awesome - good job!
Felice Yeow Premium
Thanks guys! I'm so fire up now!
AffiliateLeader Premium
Yay Felice, you are back! Who's got what it takes, FELICE got her IM groove back. Anyway, congrats to you also, and I wish you lots of success, it feels great to see an actual balance of something other than $0.
jatdebeaune Premium
Congratulations Felice! That's a good feeling.